Mothers, Menu, and More

A huge thank you to those of you who have already stopped by for the Button Swap reveal. (If that's what you're looking for, just click the link!) Your kind words really do mean so very much to me. THANK YOU!!

Now, I slacked a little on my blog hopping yesterday as it was Mother's Day and I needed the time to finish up my gifts and visit both of our families. I WILL be catching up! For now, take a gander at the homemade portion of what we gifted our mothers and my grandmother.
I etched the brass and then wire wrapped crystals that are the birthstones of each's children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren (as applies). I'm pretty sure they were well-received as each of the ladies put on their necklaces immediately!

This week looks as if it's going to be a little crazy in the evenings, so the dinner plans are weak. In any case, here's my meal plan.

Breakfasts: cereal/oatmeal, waffles, peanut butter toast, eggs w/bacon & toast, muffins

Lunches: Leftovers, pizza quesidillas, soup w/grilled cheese, bean burritos, tuna noodles. chicken salad, turkey sandwiches

Grilled steaks w/sweet potatoes & green beans

Giveaway Alert!! In my Button Swap Hopping, I've already come across one giveaway. Mary Harding is giving away one of her ceramic buttons AND a copper button. You just have to leave a comment on her button blog post to be entered.

I've finally gotten something new in the shop!
Unearthed Necklace
I'm off to do some more blog hopping. Here's hoping you have an exceptional day!


  1. Hi Hope,
    I love the necklaces you made for the Mom's in your life. and the new necklace you have in your shop. Have fun hopping.

  2. What a great idea for a gift! Love it! I'd have put it on immediately as well. :-)

  3. Hope, what sweet gifts for the special ladies in your life! I know they must have truly appreciated these handmade necklaces. Your Unearthed piece is really pretty, and I like how it will go with everything with all of those great colors!

  4. Cindy- I do think they liked the necklaces, though I'm not sure how often they will wear them. Thank you so much for stopping by. I really appreciate it! :)

  5. Your mom necklaces are so lovely, such a charming idea to include the birthstone and the Unearthed necklace is a winner.
    As for the menu planning, well what can I say except I wish I lived at your house, having all those meals planned and cooked for me is my idea of heaven.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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