BTW - Staying Motivated

My motivation from Monday has kept up with me so far this week. I even actually woke up just after my alarm went off (instead of just turning it off in my sleep) this morning! Hopefully this trend keeps up. I even got pictures of my craft desk taken and edited, and it's not even 10 AM yet. What's up with that?

Here's my Bead Table Wednesday contributions for your viewing pleasure.
My actual craft desk as I found it this morning.
The fruit of the messy desk
What's next to be on my desk (polymer clay pendant and beads)
The Bead Table Wednesday Flickr Group is sure to have more eye candy!
Bead Table Wednesday

In addition to getting some tasks completed around the house and in the craft room, I've been busy in my shop as well.
NEW - On a Wing Earrings
SALE - Around the Globe Necklace
RE-LISTED - Life's Path Necklace
I'm grateful for the motivation this week, I just wish it would transfer into some motivation to exercise. Here's hoping!
How do you keep yourself motivated? 
Do you reward yourself or is the completion of the task reward enough for you?

1 comment:

  1. I can't give any I have lost my own motivation these last weeks! I think I should take a leaf from your book and get up early...get going early, make lists and just do it!! Perhaps a treat at the end of the day?! As far as friends tell me doing it early and regularly is the key.Hmmm...!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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