Monday Menu and Madness

I'm constantly amazed by how much more I can get done in the mornings when I actually wake up with/before my alarm clock!

Anyway. . .we had a busy weekend with friends celebrating 40th birthdays (it was a friend's and Pat's coming up in a few weeks.) There was lots of beer drinking and eating of these
I think I've FINALLY got all the crawfish juices out from under my nails!

Now it's time to share what meals I have planned for this week

Breakfasts: Banana bread, french toast, peanut butter toast, cereal/oatmeal/grits, hashbrown baskets, cheese omelets, waffleized monte cristo

Lunches: Chicken bacon ranch paninis, leftovers, soup w/grilled cheese, turkey sandwiches, tuna noodles, pepperoni pizza puffs, bean burritos

Easy pork chops with gravy (crockpot) w/field peas, rice, & salad

I think I might be a bit ambitious with all the new recipes, but they all sounded so darn good!!
There's more Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

While I was at the grocery store this morning shopping for all the goodies to make these dishes, I apparently got featured in this very pretty treasury!

I did get a new item in the shop today as well.
Champagne Dreams Necklace
It's almost time to get started on those awesome sounding paninis and put the pork chops in the crockpot. Then, it's a few chores and some work on the Button Swap and the Crayon Box Challenge. So much to do!! What's up your sleeve this Monday?

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