I Got a Touch of the Monday Funk

I'm in some kind of funk today. Maybe I just stayed too busy over the weekend, maybe I'm tired, maybe I'm just feeling lazy, or maybe it's hormones. Who knows! Whatever it is, it's keeping me from being my usual Monday-productive self. I'm running on auto-pilot and was able to get the menu made, the laundry started, and the dishes loaded; but past that I'm just a little blah about doing anything else (creative or otherwise). Part of my Monday auto-pilot programming is to share the menu for the week, so let me do that.

Breakfasts: Cereal/oatmeal, carrot muffins, breakfast burritos, waffleized monte cristo, ham omelets, blueberry greek yogurt pancakes

Lunches: bean butrritos, leftovers, ham sandwiches, soup w/grilled cheese, chicken salad sandwiches, pizza puffs, ham quesidillas

Grilled shrimp w/green beans & crispy smashed potatoes
Beef with snow peas w/jasmine rice
Ham steaks w/mac-n-cheese & peas

There's more Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie. Today she's asked for tips that people have to help them ensure their meal planning success each week. I'm looking forward to seeing some of the answers in the comments. I know many of you have asked about my meal planning habits so that discussion may be helpful for you too!

Even in my funk, I did list a new pretty bracelet in the shop. It features some of my Shabby Beads.
Lost Treasures Bracelet
What do you do when you're in a funk like this? Do you trudge on through your day or do you have some awesome way to de-funkify? I'd love to know!


  1. Right there with ya on the Monday Blahs!! Not cool.... Ah well. Monday's are overrated, Tuesdays are better! LOL :) Lovely bracelet, btw!

  2. Ugh- Monday blahs over here, too. But, I just finished all that pesky responsibility-type stuff and I'm about to watch some classic 90210 and make beads. That'll de-funk the day. Are the turquoisy-color ones your shabby beads? I'm kinda loving those. I have a chair that's exactly that color. It goes with nothing else in my house, but I had to have it.

  3. Your bracelet is so charming, who would think you were in a funk?! things that works for me:

    do something frivolous....take myself to a store...maybe buy something, maybe just window shop...breathe fresh air...look through the newest magazine that I haven't even opened yet....but, most important, don't feel like I have to DO something important. Hope that helps, Hope!

  4. Jenna- I finally made it through the day yesterday. Today's looking much better I think. The blue beads are indeed my Shabby Beads I'm going to list some in the shop before too long. I've just been having some trouble getting good pictures of the ones I have made. Thanks for popping in! :)


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