Button Swap: Revealing What I Sent

Last week I showed off the buttons my Button Swap partner, Brenda Salzano, sent me.
This week I'd like to show you what I sent her.

Brenda's already posted her button reveal of what I sent on her blog, so I feel safe to show you too.
Let me admit that I sent more than the required four buttons as I am a little button crazy and I wanted to make sure she had lots of choices. So, I sent four vintage and four handmade/altered.
I started with the four vintage buttons from my stash. The top left is a big metal shank button. Next to it is a mother of pearl button. Bottom left is a glass button and bottom right is a plastic button.
I altered a clear plastic button to make this button.
This button is one of my wood Shabby Buttons that I altered just for Brenda.
I created this button with some Tim Holtz Grungeboard, paint, distress inks, and a dictionary page. I think it's super cool.
Lastly (and I know it's hard to see) is this Precious Metal Clay (PMC) button I made. It's not fantastic as I'm still learning how to use the clay efficiently, but I still think it turned out pretty neat.

Of course, I sent all of the buttons in the button puzzle box (with puzzle included) since I thought it was pretty awesome.

So far, Brenda has reported that she likes the buttons so I'm a happy girl!

Brenda is so thoughtful, she even included me in a gorgeous Etsy treasury she made yesterday.

Speaking of Etsy, these earrings are new in my shop.
Copper Rain Earrings

I'd love to know your opinions on the buttons I sent Brenda and how your own button creations are coming along. Now I must run as I've got a lot on my plate today. Toodles!


  1. i really really like the grungeboard button and the PMC button! i think they are fantastic. the others 2 are really sweet too. you do great work, Hope :-)

  2. Hi Hope,
    Those were some pretty neat buttons you sent. My favorite is the green heart shaped one, very cool!
    I also love the Copper Rain earrings you made.

  3. I love the button you sent your partner and the altered/personally made buttons are great! Having been your partner last year I know how thougthful and generous you are. And, your packaging is fantastic too!

  4. I love those buttons Hope, especially the altered ones ... very creative. Now I must add "alter buttons" to my ever-growing growing list of things to try. =)

  5. Hi there! I love the green button! And the tag is super cute too! ps...thanks for visiting my blog :)


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