I Got a Touch of the Monday Funk

I'm in some kind of funk today. Maybe I just stayed too busy over the weekend, maybe I'm tired, maybe I'm just feeling lazy, or maybe it's hormones. Who knows! Whatever it is, it's keeping me from being my usual Monday-productive self. I'm running on auto-pilot and was able to get the menu made, the laundry started, and the dishes loaded; but past that I'm just a little blah about doing anything else (creative or otherwise). Part of my Monday auto-pilot programming is to share the menu for the week, so let me do that.

Breakfasts: Cereal/oatmeal, carrot muffins, breakfast burritos, waffleized monte cristo, ham omelets, blueberry greek yogurt pancakes

Lunches: bean butrritos, leftovers, ham sandwiches, soup w/grilled cheese, chicken salad sandwiches, pizza puffs, ham quesidillas

Grilled shrimp w/green beans & crispy smashed potatoes
Beef with snow peas w/jasmine rice
Ham steaks w/mac-n-cheese & peas

There's more Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie. Today she's asked for tips that people have to help them ensure their meal planning success each week. I'm looking forward to seeing some of the answers in the comments. I know many of you have asked about my meal planning habits so that discussion may be helpful for you too!

Even in my funk, I did list a new pretty bracelet in the shop. It features some of my Shabby Beads.
Lost Treasures Bracelet
What do you do when you're in a funk like this? Do you trudge on through your day or do you have some awesome way to de-funkify? I'd love to know!

I Heart Macro: Saved Macro Shots

I took a bunch of macro shots while we were Spring Breaking it the first time so I guess I better start sharing them before Spring Break is over!
Large rusty hooks in the boat house

Dew that collected on my kayak seat
Sandy mushroom
Blackberries just starting to sprout
There's more I Heart Macro at Studio Waterstone

Thanks for coming by and enjoy your Sunday!

It's About Time for a Link Dump

When I first started my blog I shared ALL KINDS of links. Now, I just save them for a rainy day or something. I don't know. . . I mean, I link up pretty stuff to Pintrest and save the links to some reference information in personal files, but there are still other sites/posts whose importance I want to note. And, you should see the ways in which I hoard links.

As such, I want to get back into the habit of sharing my saved links a little. Mind you, I don't plan on sharing as many as I used to, but I want to do a sort of LINK DUMP about once a week. However, I don't really like the term "link DUMP". . .it sounds so crass. So I'd love to come up with something else. Let me know if you have any suggestions for it.

Here we go!
Over at B'Sue Boutiques there's a Messy Workshop Blog Hop going on. Somehow I missed getting in on this one even though my craft desk looked like this when I walked into the craft room yesterday. GAH!!
Via Instagram

Moving on. . .
Since May is fast approaching, I should let you know that Fat Mum Slim has posted her May Photo A Day Challenge list. I'm a big fan of her creative photo prompts and her blog's not to shabby either.
Information about how to participate can be found on Fat Mum Slim's blog!

Have you had a chance to stumble upon The Bloggess yet? I understand she might not be for everyone; she's a little dark, twisted, and outspoken about everything (I mean EVERYTHING). But, if you like that kind of thing you should seriously check her out. One of her most recent posts was a re-post while she's traveling on her book tour, but it's a great example of her sick and hilarious mind.
Meet Copernicus

Michelle Mach over at Beads & Books did a post a few weeks ago on How to Find Craft Shows. This is definitely a link I would usually have saved as "for reference" but I thought y'all might need it too. I've been thinking more and more about jumping on the craft show bandwagon. I even created a Craft Fair Inspiration Pintrest Board and joined the Arts & crafts fairs & shows Flickr Group for additional inspiration. Do you have Craft Fair tips for me as well? I'd love to hear them!

Claudine Hellmuth has started a serious called Finding you Artistic Style. At the beginning of the year, one of the goals I had set for myself was to "find my passion" and this series of Claudine's falls right in line with that. She has two posts up on it right now. Find the first one here and the second one here.

I've got a few new items in the shop
Calm Storm Necklace
Steampunk Circus Earrings - re-listed

I think that's plenty of links for today. Remember that I'm looking for a better name that link dump for this type of post! Thanks for checking it out!

Button Swap: Revealing What I Sent

Last week I showed off the buttons my Button Swap partner, Brenda Salzano, sent me.
This week I'd like to show you what I sent her.

Brenda's already posted her button reveal of what I sent on her blog, so I feel safe to show you too.
Let me admit that I sent more than the required four buttons as I am a little button crazy and I wanted to make sure she had lots of choices. So, I sent four vintage and four handmade/altered.
I started with the four vintage buttons from my stash. The top left is a big metal shank button. Next to it is a mother of pearl button. Bottom left is a glass button and bottom right is a plastic button.
I altered a clear plastic button to make this button.
This button is one of my wood Shabby Buttons that I altered just for Brenda.
I created this button with some Tim Holtz Grungeboard, paint, distress inks, and a dictionary page. I think it's super cool.
Lastly (and I know it's hard to see) is this Precious Metal Clay (PMC) button I made. It's not fantastic as I'm still learning how to use the clay efficiently, but I still think it turned out pretty neat.

Of course, I sent all of the buttons in the button puzzle box (with puzzle included) since I thought it was pretty awesome.

So far, Brenda has reported that she likes the buttons so I'm a happy girl!

Brenda is so thoughtful, she even included me in a gorgeous Etsy treasury she made yesterday.

Speaking of Etsy, these earrings are new in my shop.
Copper Rain Earrings

I'd love to know your opinions on the buttons I sent Brenda and how your own button creations are coming along. Now I must run as I've got a lot on my plate today. Toodles!

Monday's Menu, a Giveaway, and New Items

It's a really beautiful day today so I've got the windows and doors open. The kitties are LOVING IT!! I'm just trying to stay focused long enough to get some work done. Dang, it's hard!

I did get the Menu made!

Breakfasts: Peanut butter banana smoothies, breakfast burritos, cereal/oatmeal, waffelized monte cristo sandwich, eggs w/bacon & toast, whole wheat carrot muffins

Lunches: Paninis, leftovers, soup w/grilled cheese, bean burritos, chicken salad sandwiches, pepperoni pizza puffs, turkey quesidillas

Turkey chili w/rice
Grilled shrimp w/green beans & crispy smashed potatoes
Ham steak w/mac-n-cheese & peas

Somehow I failed to mention last week that Rebekah at Tree Wings Studio is having a giveaway. It's open until tomorrow, so hurry over there and enter to win one of three sets. This is just one of them.

I've got two more items in the shop. The first is a new one for the Suor Angelica fundraising for my friend Melanie and the second is a re-listed necklace just in time for this beautiful weather.
Suor Angelica Charm Bracelet
Island Carefree Necklace
Now to get back to enjoying this beautiful day. . .errr. ..I mean cleaning and working. Yeah, that's what I meant.

I Heart Macro: D'Olive Cemetery

It's be a WHILE since I've be able to shoot out a I Heart Macro post. I didn't even gather any shots this week. Never fear! In my Macro folder, there are piles of shots that I just haven't gotten to share yet. So I figured I'll just go with some of those.

The set today comes from a hike Pat and I took quite a few weeks back. The area is a little bay front park that used to be owned by the D'Olive family in Daphne, AL. While not much remains of them on the property, the family cemetery is still there to this day. That's where I directed my lens.
This marble carving is at the top of one of the headstones. It's the most elaborate headstone in the tiny cemetery.
At the base of one of the headstones, the cement is beginning to crack away revealing the brick infrastructure below.
This line of moss caught my eye.
Fascinating huh?

Check out more ultra close pictures with I Heart Macro Sunday hosted by Lori of Studio Waterstone.

I think we're heading out for a bike ride down to the local Earth Day celebrations in a bit, so I ought to get myself cleaned up and ready to go! What are your plans to close out this weekend?

Growing in My Garden

I'm still working on those WIPs from yesterday, but wanted to share a happy from last week.
While the girls (our nieces) we staying with us, they helped me get some planting done. I'm so happy to have my little front porch garden all set up. (Yes, these are all on the front porch)
I let the girls each pick out a flower for this planter.
I think this is the bell pepper.
There's my basil and parsley in the front and my strawberries in the back.
Lastly are the tomatoes (back) and jalapenos (I think).

I'm really hoping these do better than my succulents that currently look pretty sad.

Yes, I'm killing succulents. sigh.

There is one plant I know is doing great in my windowsill.
It's a solar powered Daisy from my mom (I actually did kill the first one when I dropped and broke it :(  )
Isn't that such a happy flower!? Love it!

New in the shop
Twist of Fate Bracelet

I totally think that bracelet has a young vibe to it. What do you think?
And, do you  have any EASY tips on keeping plants alive?

BTW: Lots of WIPs

My bead table is spilling over with works-in-progress (WIPs), but I just can't seem to get anything completed. Don't you just hate when that happens?
So much to do, my buttons are laying there just mocking me.

I've got lots of blue beads for the One Crayon Color Challenge from Sally at The Studio Sublime.

As well, these luscious silk ribbons came in from DesignTalentedOne and are calling to me to be used.

Now, if I could just knock out a few designs. . . wishful thinking perhaps!

There's more Bead Table Wednesday where that came from over in the BTW Flickr Group.

"What's New in the shop?" you ask. . .
Honey Bee Necklace
Roam Freely Earrings - re-listed

Time to hit that overflowing table and see what I can knock out!! What are you producing today?

Button, Button, I've Got the Buttons

You may recall me mentioning the Button Swap hosted by Cindy of Sweet Bead Studio a few weeks back. Well, it wasn't long after partners were assigned that I received my buttons from Brenda Salzano. I wanted to make sure I showed off my snazzy buttons before I dive too far into creating with them. So check out what Brenda sent me!

Here are all the buttons Brenda sent me. . .yes, go ahead with your oooohhhhs and aaaahhhhhs
This one was handmade by Brenda
The outer buttons are some awesome vintage ones she sent me and the middle one is another one she made (it's wood!)
Check out the adorable sticker she has for her packaging!

I know Brenda has received her buttons from me, but I'll wait a little bit to give her time for that reveal if she wants before I show what I sent. However, I can't resist showing you what I sent them IN.
It's a button PUZZLE!!

Lastly, it's time for "What's new in the shop."
Dark Leaves Necklace

Are you participating in the button swap? What kind of buttons did you receive; vintage, handmade, special?? What kind of buttons would you have LIKED to receive? Are you getting worried that you haven't gotten your buttons yet? I could talk buttons for ages ;) Am I pushing your buttons. . .alright, I'll stop.
Later gators!

Monday Menu and Madness

I'm constantly amazed by how much more I can get done in the mornings when I actually wake up with/before my alarm clock!

Anyway. . .we had a busy weekend with friends celebrating 40th birthdays (it was a friend's and Pat's coming up in a few weeks.) There was lots of beer drinking and eating of these
I think I've FINALLY got all the crawfish juices out from under my nails!

Now it's time to share what meals I have planned for this week

Breakfasts: Banana bread, french toast, peanut butter toast, cereal/oatmeal/grits, hashbrown baskets, cheese omelets, waffleized monte cristo

Lunches: Chicken bacon ranch paninis, leftovers, soup w/grilled cheese, turkey sandwiches, tuna noodles, pepperoni pizza puffs, bean burritos

Easy pork chops with gravy (crockpot) w/field peas, rice, & salad

I think I might be a bit ambitious with all the new recipes, but they all sounded so darn good!!
There's more Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

While I was at the grocery store this morning shopping for all the goodies to make these dishes, I apparently got featured in this very pretty treasury!

I did get a new item in the shop today as well.
Champagne Dreams Necklace
It's almost time to get started on those awesome sounding paninis and put the pork chops in the crockpot. Then, it's a few chores and some work on the Button Swap and the Crayon Box Challenge. So much to do!! What's up your sleeve this Monday?

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...