Monday Tidbits

If you paid attention to my Twitter or Facebook stream over the weekend, you saw that my weekend was full of 'adventuring.' On Saturday we went over to visit Fort Pickens in Pensacola (as you saw in my Macro Sunday post)
One of my favorite pictures from the fort.

Then on Sunday we met my nieces and parents at the Zoo in Gulf Shores.
I promise the zoo there has more than goats, but I also liked this shot!
It was an active but fun weekend. Plus, it was Daylight Savings. . .yay!!! I love the extra daylight in the evenings.

Now it's Monday and that means it's time for a meal plan. Here you go!

Breakfasts: Cereal/oatmeal, breakfast burritos, cinnamon sugar croissants, omelets, Guinness spiced muffins, whole wheat waffles

Lunches: PB&J, pizza (from freezer), tuna noodles, leftovers, cheese quesidillas, grilled cheese w/soup, pizza quesidillas

Spaghetti squash meat pie
Grilled Chicken (w/ maple mustard marinade) w/roasted red potato salad & corn on the cob
Turkey shepherd pie
Grilled Shrimp w/green beans & rice mix

There's more Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

In other news, there are two new listings in the shop
Happy Place Bracelet
Woodsy Button Necklace

AND, a pair of earrings from the shop were listed in this bright treasury

Okay now. . .I'm attempting to figure out how to cook a spaghetti squash, so I better go for now and pay attention to that process! Happy Monday y'all!


  1. I had the most claustrophobic experience of my life at Ft. Pickens! We went into one of the magazines, which was fine when you could reach up and to the sides of you and not touch anything. But by the end, I was on my hands and knees and I wanted to get out NOW. Only there were 6 people behind me that had to back out first. Horrors. My heart's fluttering just recalling that memory!

    Goats make great photographic subjects. They come right up to you and let you get great shots! Plus they've got the cool rectangular pupils.

    Love your green corded bracelet. Reminds me a little of Mardi Gras. Maybe that color scheme's still on your mind?

  2. Hope, Great picture of the goat neat eyes. Glad you had a wonderful weekend it was a great weekend to be out and about. To bad I had to work all weekend. Love your button necklace.

  3. Heidi - I would totally be with you in panic mode if I felt blocked in. Let me OUT!

    I love goats.. think they've got the most expressive eyes. Great shot!

  4. Great photos! -And hope the spaghetti squash turned out ;)

  5. I just traveled through Pensacola last week to visit my stepson. No time to sightsee this trip, but several recommended seeing the fort.

    Love the new jewelry.

    Heidi - I have been in a cave with that same experience. I'm not usually claustrophobic but that was a bit much.

  6. Those Guinness Spice Muffins sound delicious! I couldn't get the link to work, but let me know how they taste! Love the Woodsy Button Necklace---the colors, the feel, the flow~beautiful!!!

  7. OMG poor Hiedi!!! I love that first shot though almost looks carved out of a tree!


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