Giveaways You Should Enter

Just popping in to let y'all know about a couple of Giveaways I've bumped into in the last few days (now that's I've FINALLY finished getting through the Bead Soup Hopping)

First, head over to Tree Wings Studio for a chance (actually chanceS) to win one of three sets of her beads that she's giving away.
Just one of the sets in the giveaway

Secondly, Havana Beads is giving away a set of her glass headpins.
Just some of the headpins available at Havana Beads

 Click over to each of those blogs for more details on how to enter!

And, since it's St. Patrick's Day. . . May the luck of the Irish be with you!! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the heads-up on the giveaways!

    Here's another one:

    It's for the book Quilting With Beads, which I own and love. :)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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