A Day Late and It's Getting Later

I'm still smitten with my Mock Bead Soup piece. If you shaven't seen it yet, please go take a peek!

My day got all discombobulated yesterday because of a family obligation I had forgotten. Oops! As such, the day got split in half at the last minute and I couldn't get my blog post up. Even though it's Tuesday, I still want to share my meal plan for the week with you. I've got all kinds of links and new recipes for this week. Exciting!!

Breakfasts: Cereal/oatmeal, cinnamon sugar croissants, whole wheat waffles, breakfast burritos, overnight French toast, omelets

Lunches: turkey/ham sandwiches, leftover stirfry, PB&J, pizza (from freezer), tuna noodles, leftovers

Garlic lemon Mahi w/rice & the best broccoli
Portobello mushroom burgers w/salad & sweet potato fries
Split pea soup (w/ham) w/bread
Spaghetti Squash meat pie
Grilled chicken breasts (with this marinade) w/ roasted red potato salad & corn on the cob

More Menu Plan Monday is over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Since I've got to cram a day and a half into this ONE day (and I'm already behind), let me just show off the new and relisted items in the shop and be off!
Pulling Petals Necklace
Moonlit Shadows Necklace

Now let me see what other trouble I can get into on this Tuesday that feels like a Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hope
    Love the Moonlit Shadows Necklace.
    I have been trying to take a look at your Mock Bead Soup but when I click on the link I go to a post that has a header, the date and the blog title.
    Maybe you could post another pic somewhere else?
    Have a great week!


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