BTW and a Button Swap

I've been uber reliant on my to do list the last few days/weeks. If I didn't have it in front of me, I could easily spin out of control. This is especially true on Wednesdays. You see, hump day is a shortened work day for me. I spend the afternoon/evening with my family in Mobile to help out with the nieces. As such, there are all kinds of tasks to get done in the mornings.

You didn't come here to here me whine. You came to see what's on my craft desk. After all, it is Bead Table Wednesday. Yesterday I posted about my Suor Angelic Fundraising effort. Well, I'm actually working on more jewelry for that collection.
I decided to make a JUNK necklace that fits into the theme.

Actually, that not the ONLY project on my desk, but everything else is gifts and they're on the DL. At least I have a clean desk to work on! Yesterday's photo prompt was before/ after. I decided that was a great motivator to clean off the chaos that was piling up on my work surface.
Ahhhh. . ..much better!

I want to give all you other beaders and button fiends the heads up that Cindy Wimmer of Sweet Bead Studio will be hosting this year's Button Swap. I had a lot of fun with the button swap last year and have already jumped on the bandwagon for this one. In fact, I think I was the first one to sign up. Wow. . .I have a problem. Anyway, the sign-ups are going on the rest of this week, so head over to Cindy's blog to throw your name into the pot!

Now, this one's not part of the fundraising efforts, but here's a new necklace in the shop.
Bright Blossom Necklace

It's back to the list for me. What's in your plans for today?


  1. I am a late convert to the love of buttons, so I don't have a huge stash lying around. So, I didn't sign up, but I can't wait for the hop to see what you guys all make!

  2. Hey there Hope! Your "junk" necklace already looks fantastic...right up my alley with the mix of beautiful bits and pieces.
    And your bead desk looks so spiffy and orderly. If you could only see my space..... :-(
    Thanks for sharing the word about the Button Swap!

  3. I love your "junk" necklace! I especially love that button on it. And your work surface is looking good. Mine never looks that clean, lol.

  4. Karyn- I'm so glad you've discovered the joy of buttons! Definitely stay tuned for all the swapping and reveals. . .and make sure you keep your eyes peeled at thrift stores, antique stores, and yard sales for buttons. They're getting harder and harder to come by!

    Cindy- I'm so glad you like how it's coming along. What I showed off was the front of the necklace. I'm working on the 'chain' of it now. You can kinda see the pearls on the wire in the background of the picture. . .those will be the bulk of the chain. Hopefully it looks good together and will be sturdy. I guess I'll see soon!
    You saw my BEFORE picture right? It only became spiffy and orderly so that I could actually work on my desk (and still ensure there was desk under all that mess!)

    I appreciate you both stopping in. THANKS!!

  5. Hi Hope,
    I'm a little behind on reading the blogs it seems like I only get the chance to read a few when I'm at work. I just got a new puppy and he is taking up a lot of my time at home. I love the junk necklace so cool. You table is looking good I can not see my table I know it't there cause it is holding up the mess. LOL! The Bright Blossom necklace is very pretty I love the colors. Enjoy the rest of the week.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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