Thankful Thursday: Christmas

I thought that for today I would gush a little about the gifts my husband gave me for Christmas since I haven't mentioned them yet. You may remember My Christmas List (part one) and My Christmas List (part two). I don't think Pat even bothered with list two. I suppose he wanted to leave the bead buying up to me. However, he relied heavily on list one for his shopping to say the least. You can use that post to find the links to most of these products.

On Christmas morning I was presented with four separately wrapped packages. These were the contents:
Metal punch
Liver of Sulfur Patina Gel
Renaissance Wax
Nine-piece tool set
I was elated, ecstatic, and happily content with these gifts. They were all needed and wanted and I couldn't wait to get to playing with them. While I was looking them all over, Pat exclaimed "OH wait. . .I think Santa left a few more in my office." He came back with TWO MORE packages.

In these I found:
Texture Hammer with nine interchangeable texture heads
Photo light box with two lights, a tripod, and background sheets that all pack away into a nice, compact case. This one is actually different than the one I linked to in my Christmas list post. This is a Square Perfect kit, but I can't seem to find a link to the exact product.

I took all of those pictures inside the photo box (with the exception of the one OF the photo box, obviously) and even without my photo editing software, I think they came out pretty well.

From the rest of the family I was also spoiled with a new houndstooth coat, a wand that acts as a remote control (super cool), some other crafting supplies, and all kinds of other fun stuff.
It was a VERY good Christmas!!

As I mentioned on Tuesday, I want to learn to be more grateful. Annette mentioned in the comments that she does a Thankful Thursday link-up and I thought that might be the perfect way for me to take some time to think about what all I have.
So Many Memories

So, as material and weird as it is, I am thankful for a wonderful Christmas that was full of family, joy, and a really great haul! I'm looking forward to getting to play with all my new toys and becoming more proficient in my craft.

What are you thankful for today?


  1. Wow, Santa and Pat were really good to you this year! You got some great tools. The light box kit looks awesome. Thankful Thursday sounds like a good idea.

    Happy new year to you and your family!

  2. Lucky you! Now you are on your way to new things with these wonderful tools!

    This year my husband and I decided not to get gifts for each other, and spend that money on the kids. It seemed like we were just exchanging dollar for dollar, and sometimes he would go 'off list' and get me something I really couldn't use. It was a relief for me after purchasing, wrapping, and delivering all the other gifts.

    Enjoy your new tools!

  3. I love it when they actually use the list! I can't wait to see what you create with those new tools!
    Thanks so much for joining in today!

  4. What am I thankful for today? That there is no such thing as a cattle prod that reaches through the phone.

    Oh. Wait. Really, I'm not! Sorry, I let a little frustration through on there! LOL ;)

    Honestly, you got some awesome gifts, and quite a lovely husband! Great job

    And truthfully, I'm thankful, oh so thankful, for some really good friends. They are helping me immeasurably right now!

  5. I got the same texture hammer, Hope!!! I love it because it has all those interchangable heads. My husband also used my list and got me lots of wire working tools. I was thrilled! We're lucky girls!

  6. Hope, I'm glad that Pat and Santa came through and got what you had wished for. My next purchase for myself is one of those photo tents and I found one very similar to yours at Have fun playing with your new tools.

  7. Lovely gifts Hope, I can't wait to see what you make with all of your new tools and supplies and to see what beautiful photography comes from your photo thingy ma giggy!!

    Much love,

  8. The texture hammer with all those interchangable heads looks great. I cannot wait to see what you make with your new tools.
    Happy new year!


  9. Ambra- Yes, the texture hammer is quite nice. I'm really enjoy playing with it. Keep your eyes peeled I'm sure I'll lots to share. Thanks for stopping in!


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