Using Buttons in Jewelry (and my Nov ABS piece)

Ready for some more button mania??
I've had several people inquire in the comments about how to incorporate buttons in to jewelry pieces. I figured I'a share some of my own items that include buttons in various ways, as well as one from another designer. As such, this post is a little picture heavy.

First is a pair of earrings in which the buttons are simply joined to an enameled bead via jump rings.
Warm Comfort Earrings

Here's another example of a button connected with jump rings; this time as part of a focal in a necklace.
Bubbles Ascending Necklace

Very small  buttons can be included in a resin bezel.
Jewelry Box Necklace

Knotting a button on one end of a length of cord, leather, fiber, etc. and creating a loop at the other end makes the perfect clasp like in this necklace.
Moonlit Shadows Necklace

Shank buttons (those with a loop in the back as opposed to holes) can easily be wire wrapped to hang as dangles.
Blooming Buttons Necklace

As well, buttons can be wire wrapped and connected to one another for form a chain
Guards the Key Necklace
Or even just added in with other beads as part of the necklace.
Garden Blooms Necklace

I'm not the only one who likes to use buttons either. The famed Lorelei Eurto just listed this beautiful necklace in her Etsy Shop that incorporates buttons as part of her necklace.
Owl and Buttons by Lorelei Eurto 

I even took the "Ugly Button" from yesterday and transformed it into something more presentable for the Art Bead Scene (ABS) November Challenge. The focal is a Heather Powers (Humble Beads) charm that is attached to a Shabby Button. (There are four other Shabby Buttons included in the chain.)
The inspiration for this piece came about by accident. As I was correcting the ugly-ness of that button, I realized that it went perfectly with the little leaf gift charm Heather had included with another charm I ordered from her. Looking at the charm and button together reminded me of the color palette for the inspiration piece.
I quickly got to work making some more shabby beads in the warm, mustardy-yellow in the palette. Before I knew it, this necklace was all together!

Check out some of the other beautiful pieces in the ABS Monthly Challenge Flickr Group.

Lastly, I relisted a necklace today that also includes buttons in the chain as well as in the focal.
Laughter Falls Necklace

So that's just SOME of the ways that buttons can be used in jewelry. I've got another few designs that I'm working with which incorporate buttons. I may share them at another time. If you've found or developed some interesting ways in which to use them, please feel free to link to or explain your ideas in the comments. I'd love to hear what you've got up your sleeve.


  1. I like using the occasional button myself. Your "ugly button" works perfectly with Heather's charm! I curse myself regularly for not taking ALL of my grandmother's buttons when she offered them to me years ago. I just took the ones I liked at the time, when my tastes were a lot less broad. They wound up at Goodwill or something I'm sure.

  2. I'm a big button fan and love all of your examples! Hope - your Laughter Falls Necklace is gorgeous. Fun and casual... Love your interpretation of the ABS piece this month, too.

  3. Hope I just absolutely love your creativity. I really like the necklace that you did for the ABS challenge.

  4. The Bubbles Necklace is awesome! Is it on your Etsy?

  5. I love all of these examples! I haven't used buttons in my jewelry, and you are inspiring me to give it a try! I am working on earrings today...perhaps I shall raid my button stash! Beautiful work, Hope!

  6. Oh I love your button transformation!!! The last 2 necklaces are my favs - love all the tiny treasures!


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