Bead Table Wednesday

I'm distracted right now because AMC is playing "Gone with the Wind" on repeat today. Being a Southern girl, I was raised on this film. I'll admit that I even have a copy of Scarlett's bar-b-que dress that I wore for YEARS. I probably haven't watched the movie through since I was in high school. . .so now I'm distracted by how much more I see in it now as an adult with more interest in the historical aspects of it.

Anyway, the TV is on in the craft room so I might as well share what's on my craft desk this Bead Table Wednesday.
Some of the Beads I've gathered for the Challenge of Color
I'll be making some soldered pendants as part of a custom order, so these glass slides were pulled out.

Check out the other Bead Table Wednesday photos in the Flickr Group.
Bead Table Wednesday

There's also some new earrings in the shop
Roam Freely Earrings

And this necklace is on sale
Moonlit Shadows Necklace
Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!
And, if you are going out in the craziness that is Black Friday, be safe and best of luck!!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Hope! I am loving the colors of the beads in the bowl. I wonder what you are going to do with them? Hmm! Whatever you have planed I'm sure it will be beautiful.
    The Roam Freely Earrings are cute, love those pink buttons.

  2. ooohhh love what you've picked for the challenge.....can't wait to see.....


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