Ready for the Weekend

I've FINALLY finished with the bulk of the busy work (for now) and got to start in on the actual crafting last night. 
There's not too much to report on yet. But I do have a few little things to share before I need to run out of the house for some items. . .and then. . .Margarita Friday!!!

First, here's peek at what's currently on the desk.

****It's been a week of giveaways for some reason. Here's another fantastic one: Judy at Judith B Designs is making room for some new purchases and is GIVING AWAY some of her amazing stash!!****

Lastly, now that the busy work is done, I was able to add another new item to the shop.
Major Drama Necklace

As well, I placed a few more items on sale!
Mechanical Breeze Bracelet
Glitter and Glow Earrings
Now to get ready for the weekend. Here's hoping you have a GREAT one!!


  1. Hope, you have been very creative, I like all of your pieces, but I'm really liking the Mechanical Breeze bracelet.

  2. you've been busy, love what you've done and love those gears...

  3. Love the designs! especially the mechanical steam punk bracelet!

  4. Debbie,
    Thanks so much! I'm so glad you like that bracelet. It's all my favorite colors and just shines to me!!

  5. The Glitter and Glow Earrings are awesome! Very Pretty!

    Have a great weekend, Hope!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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