Misc. Monday and GIVEAWAYS!!

The temperature has dropped here down south for the time being. As such, I'm able to open the doors to the sunroom to let the cats lounge about out there. Of course, right now they're more interested in what I'm doing in the craft room. They won't be too happy with that decision when 'outside time' is over this evening. Ah well. . . At least I'm enjoying the lower temps for now. I know it won't last long!
Crazy Kitty #1 (Asia)
Crazy Kitty #2 (Rosalina)

No matter how the kitties choose to spend their day, it's still a Monday for me. And some routines can't be changed no matter the weather. Monday is laundry and meal plan day! So here's the meal plan for me to share (I'm sure you have no interest in my laundry.)

Breakfasts: Cereal/grits, bagels, nutella turnovers, hashbrown baskets, omelets

Lunches: hot dogs w/tator tots, turkey sandwiches, leftovers, tuna noodles, soup w/grilled cheese, chicken salad, chicken fingers w/baked beans

Spicy orange garlic shrimp w/cauliflower & rice mix
Ham steaks w/corn & Mac-n-cheese
Crockpot chicken w/red potatoes & honey balsamic carrots
Salisbury steak in mushroom gravy w/mashed potatoes & green beans
Cheese ravioli w/salad

Check out some other meal plans this Menu Plan Monday over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

I finally caught up on all my blog reading this weekend and stumbled on some great GIVEAWAYS! As well, it's about time I picked a winner for mine.

If you'll remember, in my bead soup reveal I announced that I would be giving away this set to one lucky commenter.
I received 159 comments (so far)
Using a random number generator. . .

#35 is the winner. By my count (I counted twice) Joyce Becker is the WINNER!!
I've contacted Joyce via her Etsy shop. If I don't hear back from her by the end of the week, I'll pull another name.

Now, to share the giveaways I found over the weekend with you.

I've got a few fun projects on my desk that I'm chomping at the bit to get back to . . .plus that dang ole dryer buzzer just went off. So, I'm outie for now!
Blooming Buttons Necklace


  1. Hope! fantastic necklace---i went on etsy to mark it as a favorite and i already did at some point...glad my taste stays consistent with some things! thanx for announcing the giveaway! i appreciate you spreading the word. it is for my 40 on the blog and when the facebook hits 70, i will have another one there...only 7 away on FB. Yahoooo! thanx again!!!

  2. Thanks for the links to the giveaways, Good Luck!

  3. Lori,
    You're quite welcome and back at ya!

  4. Thank you so much for posting about the giveaway!! Really appreciate it. Good luck!! Riki


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