A Little Scare (and Meal Plan)

Since it is Halloween, I'll recount a tale of fear and fun for you. (The accounts in this story are real.)
My sparse decorations this year

For my birthday, the hubs gifted me with a check to get some new clothes (don't cringe, that's what I requested.) After an early lunch on Tuesday, I set off for the outlets in Foley. I cracked myself up and cringed on several occasions with the random observations/thoughts I was having. I wanted to tweet these thoughts, but I was intent on getting some clothes bought, so I resisted the call of the internet and shopped on. My random thoughts included (be reminded that these were formed into tweets in my mind)
The Frights: 
  • Is it just me, or does anyone else ever have an unnatural fear of forgetting to put your clothes back on and leaving the dressing room in your underwear? Just me . . .
  • Why do stores have to play the most godawful techno-dance music at full volume? Do they believe this will increase your desire to quickly buy something and get out? It sure doesn't make me want to stay there!
  • What the heck is with ALL the people browsing JUST where I want to get? As well, why do they have to block the aisle so I can't even get past them? GAH!!
The Fun:
  • I WAS able to tweet about the group of (what I believe to have been) Mennonite women going into the Cornningware outlet.

Overcoming Fear:
  • In addition, I later tweeted about gathering all my courage to actually go into the Michael Kors outlet and try on something.     {They were actually very friendly and the sale items were reasonably priced, but there just wasn't much to choose from.......I guess I should have prefaced this revelation with telling you that I am intimidated easily by people/stores that think they are better than me. I grew up with clothes from K-Mart and Sears. When I finally started shopping at the Gap in high school it was a BIG DEAL for me. So stores like Michael Kors' are still quite intimidating (especially the price tags.) I'm a saver at heart and always will be, but I think I'm gaining some nerve at long last!}

  • So. . .while I'm still not quite done spending all my birthday money, let me go ahead and reveal that I got a really good deal on some pants and jeans, a skirt, a dress, a sweater, a dress shirt, a short sleeved shirt, and about FIVE long sleeve shirts.

Like I said, I still have some money to spend and my frugal self wants to spend it at the thrift store. I'm hoping to head out there after lunch.

Speaking of food. . .Since it is Monday, let me go ahead and share my Meal Plan for the week.

Breakfasts: Cereal/grits, toast, pumpkin cream cheese muffins, omelets, waffles, breakfast burritos

Lunches: Soup w/grilled cheese, ham quesidillas, hot dogs, tuna noddles, pepperoni pizza puffs, pasta carbonara, PB&J

Fish w/mac-n-cheese, peas
Dirty rice w/corn
Crockpot ham w/rice mix, corn

For more meal plan ideas, hit up I'm an Organizing Junkie for all the Meal Plan Monday links.

Here's a sweet little bracelet to go with all the candy being handed out tonight!
Assured Bracelet

I'm off for some shopping and revelry.

One Sweet Birthday! (and BTW)

I insist, you must hear about my birthday weekend.

  • My dear, sweet husband surprised me with a small birthday gathering in my honor on Friday night. 
  • I really had no idea about the party, yet ESP or intuition or something advised me to put on something presentable, do my hair, and put on make-up. Weird.
  • This surprise included a birthday treat along with a face full of whipped cream...so much for the make-up.
  • Afterward, we went over to some friends' house for key lime pie, beers, and a show. 
  • Saturday was mostly a lazy day of football.
  • We spent the evening with Pat's family watching the Alabama Crimson Tide STOMP the Tennessee Vols!! (woohoo!)
  • His family gifted me with some new crimson gear and a card that makes farting noises. . .seriously.
  • Sunday started with an early morning looking at property.
  • Since we were near it, Pat and I decided to get some Krispy Kremes for breakfast. We even went in for the Hot Donuts now. Boy was that a bad choice. . .as I was sitting down to my doughnuts, the chair caught my pants. Before I knew it, my ass was on display for all of the Foley Krispy Kreme patrons to enjoy. Fortunately, my shirt was stretchy enough for me to pull it over my behind as I scooted out the door.
  • After a change of pants, we spent the afternoon with my family.
  • My mom slaved over had a HUGE family meal complete with a whole turkey, scalloped potatoes, and brussel sprouts (even though my grandmother and I are the only ones who like them.) It was delicious!
  • We ended the evening with some "Walking Dead"
  • My actual birthday was Monday and Pat gifted me with some cash-for-clothes as I had requested. 
  • We had a yummy dinner at Mellow Mushroom and met a friend to see "Paranormal Activity 3."
  • I spent all day Tuesday out shopping with my birthday money, I'll get to shy shopping in another post maybe. It was a nice day alone.
With FOUR DAYS of celebration and fun (and a few embarrassments), I really haven't been at my bead table much, just popping in every once in a while to pick at one thing or another. As such, this is its current state for Bead Table Wednesday.
The somewhat neglected bead table
The beads I won from Gaea
Peanut beads I ordered from WhimBeads
And some more Shabby Beads that are working their way into a necklace.

There's more Bead Table Wednesday in the Flickr Group.
Bead Table Wednesday

In addition, I've had some pretty big scares over the condition of my hard drive AND a virus to deal with. So there's been limited use of the laptop while we backed it up, saved serial numbers, eradicated the virus, and all the other things Pat did to take care of it (I have NO idea.) In that time, I wasn't able to list anything new in the shop. Since things seem to be running a bit smoother this morning (knock on wood, as Pat says my hard drive could just drop dead at any minute. EEK!), I went ahead and listed a new necklace.
Live What You Love Necklace

Lastly, I want to mention that Sally at WireWorked is giving away this pretty little bracelet. Go over there to leave a comment and find out how else you can enter!

I really must go because in addition to not blogging, listing items, or making anything; I've also not done any grocery shopping. It's a MUST DO before the cats revolt! Of course, I also don't have a menu made so I have no idea what groceries to buy (other than cat food.) GAH. If this is what getting older is going to to do me, I might as well just stop right now. Yes, I think that sounds nice. Wait. . .that means no more surprise birthday parties. Nevermind. Forget I ever said that. I quite enjoyed the surprise.
Now, to actually go get something productive done.

BTW: Short and Sweet

It's time for another edition of Bead Table Wednesday.

I've been doing a lot of 'experimenting' on the bead table lately, and am really happy with this new technique of making "Shabby Beads." I like them . . .now what to do with them?

As well, I was able to make a little trip to the bead store the other day. This was all I escaped with this time!

Now show off what's on your craft desk over at the Bead Table Wednesday Flickr Group.
Bead Table Wednesday

New in the shop
Foxy Necklace
Wednesdays are usually a little crazy for me and I want to get some more work done before the crazy hits, so let me go see what else I can clutter the bead table with!!

I'm Always a Little Forgetful

Somehow in my return to reality yesterday, I completely forgot that I was supposed to pick a winner for these goodies from Vintage Beads from Europe. I apologize!!

It struck me all of a sudden, so here is my rushed process to get it done. . .and build some suspense.
I listed the commenters
Cut and folded their names into a bowl
Pestered my hard-at-work husband to draw a name
Unfolded the paper to reveal the WINNER!

Congrats SHIRLEY of Beads and Bread! You've won the two baggies of beads. I've sent you an e-mail, but if you haven't gotten it, please e-mail me (CraftyHope at gmail dot com) to claim your beads!!

While we're on the subject of giveaways. . .
 Kristi Bowman (of Kristi Bowman Designs), is having a three-day sale in both her shops starting tomorrow (Wednesday.) If you help spread the word (and let her know), you'll have the chance to win these gorgeous earrings from her bead soup!

While I've got you focused on pretty earrings; check out these that I just re-listed!
Got a Little Swing Earrings

Here's hoping I haven't forgotten to do anything else. . .

Reality and a Meal Plan

Monday means back to reality for lots of us doesn't it?
Yesterday was so lovely, we actually took our bikes out for a ride.
There was all kinds of wildlife out to enjoy.
We passed this guy the first time as he was slinking about in the water.

And then saw him again on the way back to the car as he decided to get his suntan on!

There were wildflowers booming all over the trail with lots of butterflies and dragonflies shooting across the path. They were just too fast for me to get any pictures of them.

Like I said, back to reality today (with a sore butt from the 7mile ride.)
Between the anniversary and visits with friends and family, the menu this week is much the same as last week's. But, for my own piece of mind, I had to write it out (for grocery purposes.) Since it's written, I'm going to share it! Sorry. . .

Breakfasts: Cereal/grits, pumpkin cream cheese muffins, hashbrown baskets, nutella toast, cinnamon sugar croissants, omelets

Lunches: tuna noodles, leftovers, ham sandwiches, pepperoni pizza puffs, chicken fingers w/baked beans, quesidillas, pasta carbonara

Grilled Steak w/sweet potatoes & green beans
Fish w/mac-n-cheese & peas
Taco Soup

For some less repetitive menus, Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie has a good long list for you to click through!

While we're talking less repetitive, I did get a NEW item in the shop! This pendant (and even the pearls) started out as a bracelet from the muffin tin challenge that I really did like. However, the weight of the pendant with the resin and treasures in it made it way too heavy for a bracelet. It was transformed into this feminine necklace. I definitely think it works out better this way.

Jewelry Box Necklace

I'm off and running again. I'm helping some friends with school pick-up and then off to the craft store. . . .obviously. Here's hoping your Monday reality is less hectic than mine! Maybe more like his!

I Heart Macro: Flowers and Food

I had another case of the macro-Sunday frantic rush this morning, until I uploaded my pictures and realized that I HAD taken a few pictures during the week.

The diamond-like raindrops on the roses always catch my eye.

The many layers in the puff pastry used for nutella turnovers made them so appealing.

Link up your macro shots with Lori at Studio Waterstone's I Heart Macro or just go enjoy all the beauty everyone else has shared.

TODAY is the last day to enter my Giveaway for the Vintage Beads from Europe. Just go to that blog post to find out how to enter.
I'm off to enjoy the rest of the weekend. I hope you do too.

A Sign of Love (tutorial)

I mentioned our anniversary on Wednesday, but I lacked in mentioning gifts or anything. Pat took me to dinner last night (as he had another engagement on Wednesday) and I made him a couple of special things. For some reason, I waited until the very LAST MINUTE to get his gifts made/bought. I was simply struggling to come up with the best ideas. But, a day that's meant for me to express how very much I love my husband cannot go by without me making him something.

Today, I want to share with you what I did make for him. I decided to share a sentiment. I was inspired by this image on Pintrest.

He's how you can make something similar. (Again, I was only inspired by the above. I didn't plan on re-creating it)

Start with a blank white canvas (8in x 10in.)

Draw on your lines. I started not to do this, but knew that my letters would end up all wonky if I didn't.

Place letter stickers* on canvas to form the sentiment. I worked right to left to make sure the words ended on the edge. I burnished (rubbed down real hard) each letter to make sure it was stuck down as good as possible. [I have to mention how much it sucks to peel tiny dots over i's when you have absolutely no fingernails.]

Cover the entire canvas (sides included) with the acrylic paint color of your choice. Try to make the paint as even as possible.

Allow plenty of time for the paint to dry before attempting to peel off the stickers. I used a bamboo skewer with a good pointy tip to help me get the edges of the stickers up.

And done!!

In addition to the sign, I made a dessert for my one and only. Initially, I had planned on making these homemade Peanut Butter bars (also discovered on Pintrest.)

However, while shopping for the chocolate chips for the bars, I spotted this box just across the aisle.

Since, I was waiting until the last minute to get all of this made, I decided to go ahead and cheat with the boxed version. I will admit that it was REALLY GOOD, but I know homemade is always better!

Pat enjoyed every bit of his Anniversary surprises, and couldn't care less that I waited until the last minute. YAY!! I think that's why we probably work so well together.

Anyway, while I've got you here. There's a few new items in the shop.
Dive In Earrings
Night Blooms Bracelet

I had a really bad day yesterday. Nothing I tried to create came out well. I'm hoping to remedy that today. Here's hoping your day is creative also.

*My letter stickers were just plain old stickers. But, I tested them on some canvas to make sure they would peel off okay after being painted over. I cannot guarantee results of other stickers.*

BTW and Anniversary - Double Dose of Fun

Today is my NINTH Anniversary with my husband, the love of my life!! We're not really doing much for it this year. But, I just had to mention it. . .Oh, and if you're curious about how we met, I wrote about it for our anniversary last year.

It's Bead Table Wednesday, and I knew my first task today was going to be clearing OFF the bead table. There was hardly and space for me to work!!

Once that was done, I quickly set about filling it back up. Well, not really. I just pulled out the supplies I had gathered and started on yesterday for a few necklaces.

Join in the Bead Table Wednesday Flickr Group for more craft desk fun!
Bead Table Wednesday

Take a peek at what's new in the shop
Like the Wind Necklace

And what's been re-listed
Green Leaves Necklace

I really do need to run and gather few little somethings for that man-o-mine on OUR day, so I'll see y'all later.

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...