BTW: Too Busy

BEAD SOUP REVEAL <-------click there

After all my thrifting yesterday and lunch plans with a friend today, there's not really much on my desk.

These are some beads from Vintage Beads from Europe that I want to play with and then blog some more about. There'll be a giveaway to go along with it, keep your eyes peeled!

While blog hopping the long list, I spied lots of beautiful inspiration. I even had a few original ideas come to me. This odd mix of beads, paint, and ink is part of an experiment following one such stroke of inspiration.
We'll see how it goes.

Bead Table Wednesday
See more Bead Table Wednesday goodies in the Flickr Group.

Blooms and Branches
 The above is just something new in the shop I thought I'd share.
I'm outie! Later y'all!!


  1. can't wait to see what you make with your vintage beads and the odd altered ones too....neat idea :)

  2. Yay BTW! It's so much eye candy for the secret stalker in all of us, isn't it? Can't wait to see what you create with those nummy bits from Vintage Beads, and what you do with those supplies :)

  3. I'm interested to see what you do with your wooden beads. I like the new piece you just added to your shop!

  4. Love the vintage beads! Great colors. Have an awesome BTW!

  5. Those are some interesting vintage beads, particularly the flowers. Love your button clasp!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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