Bead Table Wednesday: Thrifted Jewelry

Since I offered a peek of my Thrift store scores yesterday I figured you'd be curious to know all that bag-o-jewelry contained.
I guess I ought to give you a better idea of the treasure I found in there.
I took apart almost all of the pieces to get all the charms and jump rings and beads and eke as much as I could out of the bag. There were some items that were going to be more trouble than they were worth to alter. So, they'll be going back into the donation box.
However, all in all. .  . it was a fantastic purchase!

Check out more Bead Table Wednesday in the Flickr Group.

New in the shop
Island Carefree Necklace

Happy Hump Day!!


  1. great haul Hope, you'll have fun with all that....wish our thift store had neat stuff...

  2. great watch guts!! I'm trying to find a matching one to a nice little one I got to finish off a pair of earrings.

  3. Cool stuff! I want to go thrift shopping!!

  4. Neat treasure Hope, have fun recreating. I like your Island Carefree necklace.

  5. Love your treasures from the thrift store and also from the hardware store in the previous post! I, too, want to know about those sliding door thing-a-ma-jiggers! What ARE you gonna do with those? :) Also, don't think I ever introduced myself when I started following you. I have loved reading your blog and keeping up with your creativeness! I live in MS and pass through your beautiful state when we're on our way to Florida where we vacation. My parents have had a vacation home there for a long time. I love the beach, and I see you do, too. Will be watching to see what fun you have with the bag of jewelry goodies.

  6. What awesome stuff you found! When I opened the watch parts pic bigger, my 3 year old got all excited to see the Mickey charm...he's all about the mouse lately!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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