Pantry Organization and My Menu

I'm just popping in here at the end of the day to share my menu for the week and show off what I did in my pantry.

Using these ordinary jars (from pickles, mayo, and LOTS of pasta sauce)

I made this section of my disaster of a pantry (don't judge!)

Look like this

All I used was some spray paint for the lids and some chalkboard paint.
I'm so excited about the transformation.
Now if I can just make the rest of the pantry look as pretty.
That's a challenge for another day!

Let's get to the menu before Meal Plan Monday runs out on me!!

Breakfasts: Cereal/grits, muffins, cinnamon sugar croissants, waffles, eggs w/bacon & toast, nutella turnovers

Lunches: Leftovers, bean burritos, pb&j, tuna noodles, quesidillas, turkey sandwiches, soup w/grilled cheese

Rotisserie chicken w/corn & mac-n-cheese
Chicken marsala casserole w/pasta & broccoli
Grilled steaks w/sweet potatoes & veggies (not sure yet)
Check out I'm an Organizing Junkie for more fantastic Meal Plan Monday ideas.

I'm off to think about organizing other areas of the house!
Later y'all!


  1. this idea is BRILLIANT! Talk about reuse- and making it look fab! Im stealing this idea!! my pantry deserves it! <3

  2. I love how you turned a 'throw a way' into something useful! Keep us posted on what you do next.

  3. love what you've done with the jars, very crafty :)

  4. Thanks y'all!
    I definitely will keep you posted.
    Of course, this has been an idea that's festered for YEARS and I finally got to it. Now if I can just get off my butt and give all my other ideas a try. . .

  5. wow, that's a great idea! I especially like the use of chalk board paint on the jars. Our pantry desperately needs reorganization. One of these days....

  6. Great job Hope, I love the jar idea!
    To bad we live 150 miles or so from each other or I would be inviting myself to dinner on Wednesday night!;-)

  7. Love the jars - what a great idea!

  8. That is wonderful! I can aspire to that someday!

  9. Carrie,
    Don't aspire. . .DO!
    It was WAYYYYYY easier than you think. Seriously!
    Go for it!!


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