I Heart Macro: Beach Log and Bad Dieter

I completely forgot I had these first two pictures on my camera (and I think they're the coolest anyway)
I just love the bits of seaweed and sand in this shot
The crackled/burned potion is just so cool

They're sections of this driftwood log I spotted on the beach.

For your viewing pleasure (please look away if you are dieting in any way. . .it was shameful enough for me to even eat them. But, they were DELICIOUS!)
Blueberry Breakfast Cake
Homemade Ice Cream
Don't worry, these items were not consumed at the same time!

Head over to Studio Waterstone for more I Heart Macro

Lastly, I want to let you know that a couple of items were added to my SALE section of the shop on Friday. (I might forget before tomorrow.)

I hope you enjoy whatever is left of your weekend!


  1. Awww, man, didn't look away quickly enough! LOL ;) But I *love* those macro shots! There's something so cool about driftwood.

  2. Love your pictures!!
    That blueberry breakfast cake is looking mighty good right now.

  3. wonderful shots, my favourite is the burnt bit of drift wood, love the cracks

  4. Wow - love the textures you captured of the log! Love the green, black, and the tan and the cracked wood is fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Why wouldn't you eat them at the same time??? LOL Looks fantastic - and I think logs are my favorite subject because they look like so many things!

  6. Wonderful pictures! The first one looks like a birds eye view of an island. Love the beautiful green moss!

    Have a great week!

  7. Love the first shot Hope, I thought it was a shot from Google earth!
    I agree with Patty, why wouldn't you eat them at the same time at breakfast, all of the food groups are represented!;-)

  8. I'm loving the green moss - way coolio!

    And of course you've made me hungry w/the food pics - and yes, they do sound good together!

  9. Ohhh wonderful, I especially love the first pic. There's this part of it which sort of looks like a swirling vortex ...

  10. Love the driftwood shots and the burnt part is incredible. You made me super hungry for something blueberry and I would totally eats both of them at the same time :)


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