Creative Distraction

I've had to put the bead soup away for a little while.
My mind was absolutely consumed with it and I wasn't getting anything else done.

So I've spent the day attempting to be creative while keeping my mind off the soup that is sitting just a few feet away!
I've played with my alcohol inks

And bits of paper

And buttons

And beads (of course)

I even got a few things made.

In addition, these earrings are on sale.
Planets Aligned Earrings

And this necklace was listed.
Take a Chance Necklace

Now back to the grind! ;)


  1. what a pretty necklace....but thats not didn't post what your did with the ink and paper....

  2. Lovely earrings and gorgeous necklace Hope, but I'm with Tamara. What did you create with the paper and ink? You are such a tease! LOL


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