All the News That's New

It was a GOOD MAIL day today.

Not only did my bead soup from Andrea arrive, but also the awesome pendant I was lucky enough to win from Erin Prais-Hintz. (Yes, I know I forgot to mention it, that's exactly why I'm doing it now.) 

Wanna see?
Alright, yes . . .the picture's a bit skewed for my bead soup, but I want to devote a WHOLE post to the joyous reveal of the package tomorrow. Can you wait? Pretty please?

In the meantime, check out the pendant from Erin.
You may recognize the pendant from the cover of the most current issue of Stringing Magazine! How lucky was I?

While I'm showing off all the pretties, let me add the newest pair of earrings in the shop to the list.
Clouds Dripping Earrings

Now. . .down to business with the menu for this week. Let me admit first that due to some bumps in the road last week, NONE of the menu for last week was cooked (or even bought.) Yup! So this week is similar with a few changes. What can I say? In addition, since last week was so rough, this week is all about the comfort food. Here we go!

Breakfasts: Toast w/PB or nutella, cereal/grits, waffles (from freezer), buttermilk blueberry breakfast cake, eggs w/bacon and toast, hashbrown baskets

Lunches: Ham sandwiches, homemade hot pockets, chicken salad, bean burritos, quesidillas, soup and grilled cheese, leftovers

Tacos w/rice
Chicken alfredo w/broccoli
Pork chops w/cauliflower gratin & rice mix
Potato soup w/salad
Pot roast w/carrots, potatoes, rice, field peas

That's my plan for this Meal Plan Monday, check out loads more that are (most likely) not repeats over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Now for something a bit  more serious. The fabulous Andrew Thornton is reaching out for help to open Allegory Gallery. From his own blog
It's an opportunity to help us open a creative space that's one part bead store, one part fine art gallery, one part jewelry boutique and one part gift shop. The aim of Allegory Gallery is to promote artisan craftspeople, inspire the community to explore their creativity, and act as a focal point for classes and artistic education.
 Currently they are asking for  help to raise the funds to open this creative and inspiring space. Read more about it on Andrew's blog and go like Allegory Gallery's Facebook page as well!

One more thing before I head out to play some more the the awesome bead soup. . .hehehehe!
A GIVEAWAY. . .Love My Art Jewelry is giving away a pair of really neat copper earrings. You need to go to the post to see these beauties!

That's it. . .I think. I hope your Monday is and continues to be spectacular!


  1. I can't wait to see what you got from Andrea....I'll be sure to check in tomorrow...
    and love that pendant, you lucky duck.....

  2. Tamara,
    I'm editing the photos now for one picture heavy post!

    As far as the pendant, now I just have to figure out how best to display it's gorgeousness.
    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Lucky you... that pendant is wonderful..I love the words. Will check your soup tomorrow.

  4. I have been wanting to start a weekly menu so that I have at least one organized thing to come home to and you have officially inspired me to do so. Next Monday, I'll hopefully have a plan. It'll probably take me the rest of this week to work it out haha :)

  5. Jenni, I really did luck out! I'll have the soup up soon!!

    Jenn, I'm so glad I inspired you! I love to have my menus done. It's one less of a headache and one less thing that occupies my mind while I'm trying to create. I will admit that it does take some time getting used to finding the time to actually make the plan, but after a little while you really do get into the groove of it. I also use it as a way to try out new recipes I find! Best of luck!!

  6. You need to go play lotto because you've had some amazing goodies sent your way!

  7. Patty, Apparently I only have the luck of the beads. I've played the lotto. . .not as much of a success for me. If I did win the lottery, I'd just spend all the cash on beads anyway!


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