I Heart Macro: Paint Supplies

If you remember my Bead Table Wednesday (BTW), you'll remember that I cleaned off my craft desk(s). This task included soaking some of my paint water jars and paintbrushes. I couldn't resist snapping a few shots.

See what else is going on this I Heart Macro Sunday with Lori at Studio Waterstone.


  1. I so love art play photos! Great macro'ing :)

  2. Awesome! Zack would love to come paint with you!

  3. Please please please come clean mine up too.......maybe I should try some shots of my mess and I could tell everyone it is art????
    Fun shots.

  4. Lori!
    He's more than welcome. Painting is my nieces' favorite activity when they come over too. Kids and paint, a messy but fun combo!

  5. Kimmy,
    HA! Mine already needs to be cleaned again. . .it doesn't take much. Ah well. Go for the art shots, when it's macro no one can see the "bigger picture" ;)

  6. Great photos they brings back memories, painting something I have not done in years. People often ask if I still paint and I tell then "No, not these days, but I still know how!". My son and niece are the true paint artists in the family.

  7. Therese,
    I should probably clarify that I don't actually paint anything on canvas. Most of my paining is done in collage, on wooden beads, or I 'paint' on sealers for various items. I just have the supplies, I don't really paint!
    I'd love to see some of your work. I'm sure it's fantastic!

  8. Sometimes I like the jars better then what I make lol!

  9. Those are some well loved paint jars!!

  10. Annette,
    Oh yes, waste not want not and all that!

  11. Love that first shot - all those colours reflected in the jar - just wonderful!

  12. Val,
    I know! Thanks so much for stopping by!


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