Yum in the Sun

Yesterday was good enough to eat, and boy did we eat well.
It was a day spent next to the pool smoking a Boston Butt (which we affectionately refer to as smoking an ass)

Some corn was also roasted on the grill for a corn and tomato salad.

It made for one heck of a glorious ending to the day!

This has been a wonderfully relaxing vacation so far, and it's just the beginning. I'm looking forward to the rest of it! We're leaving this morning to head out. We now have a hotel reserved in Orlando for two nights. I guess we'll se what kind of trouble we can get into there. For now, it's time to pack up and hit the road!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. LURV the Boston Butt - pork RULES!!! I am sooo having Butt envy!!!

  2. Yummy my mouth is watering! Have a great time in Orlando!

  3. Ooh that corn and tomato salad looks divine!!!

  4. Oh, my gosh! Have fun in Orlando!! This was a delicious post. That corn is almost beautiful enough to make jewelry out of. ;)

  5. Thanks to all of you. Sorry I haven't been able to respond but I only had internet on my phone for a few days.
    The meal was fantastic and Orlando was really fun too. I hope to get to post some about it soon!

  6. Mmm, corn! But I can't eat it now that I have braces on my bottom teeth! Poo!


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