Jumping on the ABS Challenge Bandwagon

As the title clearly states, I'm going to enter an Art Bead Scene Challenge. In fact I'm not only going to enter one, but TWO ABS challenges.

The first is the June Monthly Challenge and I've already given you a peek at what I was creating for that challenge. I made it a point to complete that piece at the beginning of the week (you know, before the month runs out completely!)

Let me remind you what the inspiration piece of art is for the month.
Ophelia by Odilon Redon.

I've admitted that the piece completely caught my attention and captured my imagination. There was something about the pool that made me want to make sure there was a sort of reflection in the piece I made. I guess I hear pool (in an ages gone by sense) and think "reflecting pool". As such, I played and played with some tiny mirrors before finally realizing I could put one inside polymer clay and actually make the art bead myself.
In addition, I knew that I wanted to incorporate the yellow, blue, and grey in the piece. So I made the bulk of the piece to include those colors.
I'll admit that I'm not completely satisfied with this necklace, but this IS my first attempt at the Art Bead Scene Monthly Challenge. So, I guess it will do for now.

Yesterday, I mentioned the Muffin Tin Challenge also going on over on the ABS Blog and  my interest in it. I WAS able to get my hands on a 12 cup muffin tin this morning and have spent the majority of the day filling my cups! Now, I'm not totally convinced I can get ALL of the projects in my cups done by Monday, but I'm sure as heck going to try! Here's a peek at my muffin tin.
Rest assured that whether I finish on time or not I WILL share it all with y'all!

Before I head out to work on those twelve projects, I do want to let you know that the fantastic Andrew Thornton is having a yard sale of sorts on both his Big Cartel shop and his Ebay site. There's some awesome stuff in both places, you could browse for hours!


  1. You go girl - I am sort of dreading this LOL!!! I wonder how many actual muffins we'll get thru?

  2. Hope, that is a great looking necklace I love how you incorporated a mirror into polly clay to make your pendant. lovin the wire wraped beads as well, great job. You can do it I just know that you can get all 12 projects done by the deadline.
    On a different note I have a VCR for you if you want it. Just e-mail me with your address and I will send it to you, so you can watch your beloved VHS tapes again. All of the VHS tapes I have I also have them on DVD.
    Happy beading!

  3. I hate that you're dreading it. . .I kinda like that everything is together and all I have to do is sit down and do it! But the how many is definitely the question!

  4. That first comment was meant for Patty. . .

    Therese- I'm so glad you like it. I keep thinking it needs something else but I just can't put my finger on it. Ah well. I really do hope I can complete the challenge, but with plans all day Saturday with the nieces, I'm just not sure.
    You have a real live VCR? Pat keeps saying he'll get me one, but I can't get him to commit. I'll e-mail you, but you really don't have to do that. So sweet of you!

  5. Your ABS monthly challenge necklace is just beautiful. I love that you made your own polymer clay pendant - it is just perfect.
    Best of luck with the Muffin Tin challenge! Just like you, I was always a procrastinator in college, but this is one I know I just cannot squeeze in! :-)

  6. Cindy- Thanks so much! I'm just not as well stocked with others' art beads yet and couldn't seem to get the ones I had to work the way I wanted. So, I made my own. I'm bad like that with everything, I don't like how someone else does something. . .I'll just do it myself. I have serious control issues.

    I'm still waiting to see if I can squeeze this one in or not. Wish me luck! ;)

  7. This is not the first I'd heard of this muffin tin thing, but I didn't know what it was about until now. That's crazy!! I hope you got them all done! Can't wait to see pictures.

  8. Oops, I totally thought the necklace and muffin tin were separate posts. XD I LOVE what you did with the challenge. The necklace turned out beautifully. My favorite part are those beads or connectors made out of the twisted wire. They look so awesome!

  9. Jacinta, I finally finished and JUST posted all the pics. . .enjoy.

    I'm so glad you like the necklace. I'm just glad I finished that one. Yeah, I wanted some more grey in the piece and the twisted wire seemed to be a neat way to add it in there. Thanks!

  10. First, I love how you incorporated the mirror into the polymer clay! Second, I don't know where you are in the south, but if you're near Nashville and still like VHS, there's a store called McKay's where they have all kinds of cool old movies.

  11. TreasureIC (I can't find your real name anywhere. . .Sorry),
    Thanks. I HAD to have some kind of reflective quality in this piece and played with soldering the mirrors for a while but the PC gave me the option of a lot more color.
    I'm way down at the BOTTOM of Alabama. But I'll definitely have to keep that in mind. Thanks!
    And, thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate it.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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