Playing Catch Up

I'm glad THAT's all over.
Time to move on and try to catch back up.

I'm so VERY far behind on housework and most other tasks that I'm working with my timer in the 30 minute intervals to make sure I actually get something done (and not just play around online all day.) I've got clothes in the washer and have started on the bedroom. It's a start!

Of course, today is also my dear, sweet, wonderful husband's birthday. I want to extend to him a thousand Happy Birthday wishes. We weren't able to celebrate over the weekend and have a few more busy weekends coming up, so I am going to do everything within my power to make sure he has a fantastic day and week!!

To start with. . .he has his choice of what we are having for lunch and dinner today. So, those slots on my meal plan are open for him. Here's the whole menu for you, since it is Menu Plan Monday. You can see a ton more over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.
L: Pat's choice
D: Pat's choice

B: Bagels
L: Bean burritos
D: Lasagna, salad

B: Breakfast parfait
L: Ham sandwiches
D: Hope out, Pat on own

B: Cereal
L: Bagel pizzas
D: Cauliflower soup (from freezer), bread

B: Bagels
L: Soup and grilled cheese

B: Muffins
L: Hope out, Pat on own
D: Chicken Alfredo, broccoli

B: Bacon, toast, eggs
L: Ham quesidillas
D: Spiced Pork, green beans, potatoes

Before I head out, I do have TWO business-related things to share.
First, since it is the beginning of a new month; the Alabama Accents Team has a new BNR Treasury and I'm included!! Remember that BNR stands for "Buy and Replace."  Basically, if you buy one of the items on the treasury, an item from your shop will be used to replace that piece. Complete rules are included on the treasury page (below all the pictures.)

The theme for this month's treasury is Circles and Dots
Alabama Accents May BNR Treasury

I'm finally getting back to listing some items in the shop. Here's the newest pair of earrings, listed this morning.
Sparkle and Shine Earrings

Now, back to work for me!


  1. Hey there,
    stumbled across your blog and really enjoyed reading your post! Love the sparkle and shine earrings you created. Mind if I add you?

    Have a great day! and happy birthday to your husband :)

  2. I'm so very glad you found me and like what I have to say. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "adding" me (facebook, twitter, blog, etc.) but go for it!

    Thanks so much!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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