Rectifying the Situation

Remember Wednesday?
I was a little embarrassed posting that picture of my messy craft desk for Bead Table Wednesday. Because. . . well. . .you only got to see the one desk. You didn't get a peek at the other surfaces in the craft room. And, you know what? You couldn't have seen any of the other surfaces anyway. They were COVERED with. . .stuff.

I had intended to clean house yesterday. However, my hopes to get the laundry done, kitchen cleaned, and living room picked up were thwarted by the mortification of you seeing those pictures I hastily shared. Well, I'm ashamed no more. I spent the bulk of yesterday cleaning the craft room.

The craft room is clean! Now, I'll just stay in there and hide from the mess in the rest of the house.

Seriously, I paid for my cleaning spree and had a day-long allergy attack as I did so. The sneezing, wiping, and blowing wore on me. As such, I failed to get anything else done. So, I apologize for my blog absence yesterday. I knew I shouldn't have promised something exciting for you. Promises like that always get me into trouble.

Well, I will make ONE more promise. Check back tomorrow for the Bead Soup Blog Party! It's going to be a BLAST!!

Since it is Friday, here's a little "Feel Good Friday" for you:
  • Rainbow jelly shooters. I like all things rainbow and I do like me some 'jelly shots.' These are just so pretty and so very coo. Oh, and here's a few more neat jello shots for fun - rock candy jello shots
  • This video seriously made me howl with laughter - Nonsense
Happy Friday Y'all. I'll see ya tomorrow!


  1. Now let's not go overboard on that clean studio thing! (but it does look great now!;)

  2. Laurel - Oh, I know it's not really "clean", but it's SO MUCH better than it was. Thanks for stopping by!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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