Feverish and Falling Behind

What does it mean when you wake up Monday morning with a fever? Does that mean you had a good weekend or not? I'm going to go with GOOD weekend, or at least with heck-a-busy weekend. Sooooo crazy busy that Pat and I were both sick on Valentine's Day. That's not too big of a deal since we were planning on celebrating V-Day this coming weekend anyway.

So, what kept us so busy this weekend? Port Trio (Pat's band) played Friday, Saturday was consumed with my Mardi Gras Ball (decorating and hosting it), and Sunday was a day at the beach (literally).

Of course, as I've already stated, I woke up with a fever yesterday and spent all day battling it. I'm feeling a bit better today. However, this week is just going to be a bit off. There will  be no meal plan (sorry) and I have no Valentine post for you. . .oh well. Instead, there will most likely just be randomness. (Hurray?)

First random topic - when not sleeping yesterday, I spent my time trying to decrease the amount of blogs in my feed reader. I stumbled upon a Valentine giveaway for some Industrial Chic pieces and found out this morning I had won. Check out Kristen Robinson's blog  and her Valentine post to see the goodies I'll be getting.

Secondly, I was featured in another treasury. This time the treasury is made of Etsians from the Red Dirt Crafters Team.
From the Red Dirt of Alabama

There's also a new collage bangle in the shop.
French Blaze Bangle

Since I'm going with random today, here's a few links that fit that description.

And, a few general Crafty Links

Now, I'm off to get a few more tasks complete and maybe even FINALLY start on my Valentine Project(s) for Pat. Here's hoping your week is going much better than mine started off!

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