Beady Basics

How'd you like that picture-fest yesterday?

Today, let's rock it old-school with just the basics.
First, here's a sneaky peek at my completed Bead Soup Blog Party pieces.

Don't forget to check back on Saturday to get a much better look at what I made with the lovelies Patty sent me.

Today's Wednesday and that means it's Bead Table Wednesday.
Bead Table Wednesday
Close up on my table, you see the remnants of my crafting the bead soup pieces.
However, if you back up all you can see is the mess left behind from working on and sending out a custom piece as well as the Bead Soup spillage.

I'll tackle that mountain of a disaster tomorrow. For now, why don't you go check out some really cool bead tables in the BTW flickr group.

This morning I listed one of my most FAVORITE pieces. It just screams SPRING IS HERE to me. And, since I started seeing traces of spring in the yellow pollen that's begun to settle on my car, I thought today was the perfect time to go ahead and list it.
Secret Garden Necklace

Now for the routine of some
~*Crafty Links*~ (topic: Embroidery)
Finally, how about some "Wild, Wild Web Wednesday" Links also:
I'm hoping I can share something more exciting with you tomorrow. Check back to find out.


    1. I too recognize somethings on that table - but that sneak peek is a complete bafflement! Good job! : )

    2. Patty,
      yeah, I went a little crazy playing with photoshop to alter the photo. However, if I had just let the pic as it was, you still wouldn't have been able to tell what they are. Oh well. I can't wait for Saturday!!

    3. Beautiful necklace! I love the colors and, of course, the key!

    4. Deborah!
      Thanks so much! I love that necklace too. It's just a lot of fun.
      Thanks for stopping by!


    Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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