What Feeds the Soul

Where-o-where do I begin? I  feel like I need an outline before I start this post. Yet, nope - I'm just going to fly by the seat of my pants for this one.

Let me jump right in by letting you know that a few more items have been added to the on SALE section of the Crafty Hope Etsy Shop. Here's two of the ones there:
Button Button Who's Got the Button Necklace
Legendary Beauty Necklace
If you have taken a look at the sale section before, you'll notice that many of the items that were there are now GONE. They expired. That's how items make their way into the sale section in the first place; they're just about ready to expire, and I don't plan on re-listing them. If you're interested in ANY of the items in the sale section, you better snatch them up!

In related jewelry-making news, Lorelei has issued another Michael's necklace challenge. Of course, I've hopped on the bandwagon. Here's a link to my reveal of the last challenge.

It being a Monday, I made sure to make out my Meal Plan for the week. Of course, I'll be posting it over at I'm an Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Monday!

B: Cereal
L: Leftovers
D: Pan-seared Tuna with Green Curry Sauce, Broccoli, yellow rice (*see below for info on the tuna recipe)

B: Bagels and cream cheese
L: Bean Burritos
D: Bowtie Lasagna, Caesar Salad

B: Breakfast burritos
L: Soup and grilled cheese
D: Honey and spice pork chops, green beans, mac-n-cheese

B: Cereal
L: Tuna noodles
D: Grilled Chicken, corn, broccoli rice

B: Bagels and cream cheese
D: Margarita Friday (our Friday night dinner-out tradition)

B: Eggs, bacon, toast
L: Turkey sandwiches
D: T's choice (youngest niece spending the night - she gets to pick)

B: Muffins
L: Quesidillas
D: Shepherd's Pie

*The tuna recipe is from Quick and Easy Thai by Nancie McDermott and I don't feel comfortable sharing the recipe here. I will let you know how it is. . .this will be my first time trying it out!

I'll leave you with a few links.
~*Crafty Christmas Links*~
Made Me Smile Monday

Wait! There's one more little thing. I just need to vent for a minute.
About the middle of last week I saw this message on Facebook: “Change your FB profile picture to a cartoon from your childhood. The goal? To not see a human face on FB until Monday, Dec. 6. Join the FIGHT AGAINST CHILD ABUSE. Copy & paste to your status to invite your friends to do the same!!!”

As a victim of child abuse, I think it’s appropriate to raise awareness, peak interests, show some kind of front against a “common enemy.” I mean, who doesn’t want child abuse to stop? Hmmmm…how about the abusers.

It just peeves me that there are so many cynics out there who think they’re SO FUNNY because they're able to point out child abuse wasn’t SOLVED by this movement. I’m pretty sure all of us who changed our profile pictures KNEW the problem wouldn’t be solved. The movement was more about heightening awareness than anything.

To those making fun of this small gesture; maybe we should start questioning you. What is it you’re hiding? Why don’t you support being more aware about the issue of child abuse? Are YOU the problem? For Pete’s sake people, of course changing a picture won’t solve the problem. But, you know what?  It won’t make it any worse either.  Your antics though, they’re just mean.
Rant over. I apologize.

Well, the tummy's growling so I better get started on our Thai Tuna dinner before my husband consumes all the snacks in our pantry!!

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