Celebrating the Little Victories

As I begin to seriously contemplate my New Year's goals and resolutions; I realize that I should have already made these decisions. At least I've got a few more days to nail them down.
In the meantime, let me fill you in on what I HAVE accomplished.

There was a bit of time spent in the craft room today. However, it wasn't as long as I had hoped since I've been feeling a bit under the weather. This is what the craft desk looked like when I left it.

As well, there's a new listing in the shop
Hard Candy Earrings

While I didn't do very much work (just left a comment) for this next accomplishment, I can't help but mention it. Today, I found out that I won the Thursday Giveaway on Andrew Thornton's blog. It's a wonderful collection of beads from SueBeads. I can't wait to play with them!!

And, since I'm really trying to get back into regular blogging habits, here's some links for you.
~*Crafty Links*~
Seeing as the weather has turned cold even down south where I am, my thoughts turn to fiber projects. Here are a few crochet ones. Maybe one day I'll learn to crochet something other than a single chain stitch. Anyway.
Totally Random Tuesday Links
 So that's it. Back to work thinking over those resolutions. What's on your New Year's List?


  1. Congratulations on the Andrew Thornton Thursday giveaway! Those are some gorgeous beads.

  2. Mary- Thanks so much. Aren't they pretty!? I can't wait to see them in person and feel them. I'm very much a tactile person and won't appreciate their full beauty until I can put my hands on them. But, the wait. . .it'll kill me!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...