My Time in the Sun

I'm sure I've mentioned it a time or two how MUCH I dislike the time changing. I'm quite a fan of lots of sunshine in the afternoons. I understand that most people don't like to wake up when it's dark. I don't like to either, I just sleep until it's light outside. Okay, okay . . I know that's not an option for everyone. However, I have to let you know that I don't feel half as creative after dark as I do while the sun is out, bright and shiny. So this whole taking away one of my hours in the afternoon is just BS!!!

Okay, that being said let's get on to the rest of this post. Since I'm back from my mom's I'm trying to get back into my routine. Of course that won't be sticking for long as I'll be spending a hunk of next week taking care of one of my best friends' little girl while her daytime caretaker/grandmother is recovering from foot surgery. That is, after I take the youngest niece to a doctor appointment on Tuesday. I really should take the opportunity I have this week home to bust out some jewelry. Maybe I should get to that now. ..

First though, let me share the bracelet I listed the other day.
Key to My Heart Bracelet

For some crafty links today, here are ones I've labeled as Accessories:
Lastly, how about some Wild, Wild Web Wednesday links and such
  • Here's some interesting takes on Disney princesses.  WARNING!! These Disney 'twisted princesses' seem to be in comic book form are not the sweet and innocent princesses you know. The girls in those pictures are much more sinister.
  • Weird job interview answers. I know that some of the questions that are asked in job interviews can be pretty unusual, but these answers are just bizarre, especially if you really want a job.
  • Check out this five-year-old singing "Folsom Prison Blues"
That's all I've got to share today. Now I'm off to take advantage of the sunshine (and time) while I've got it!!

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