Meal Plans Really Do Make My Weeks Less Crazy

I've got a crazy-busy week planned. Today is pretty much my only 'free' day. And, I got a late start on it to boot. However, my main priorities consist of making a meal plan, shopping for it, and sharing it. I've got the first two handled, let me get to the third.

Please remember to visit I'm an Organized Junkie for more Meal Plan Monday ideas!
Here's mine for the week:
B: Cereal
L: Bean burritos, apple slices
D: Garlic-Lemon Mahi, Cauliflower gratin, long grain and wild rice

B: Pumpkin bread
L: Mini-pizzas
D: Chicken & mushroom Alfredo, broccoli

B: Cereal
L: Hot dogs, baked beans
D: Chili with rice

B: Muffins
L: Tuna Noodles, fruit
D: Stouffer's lasagna

B: Cereal
L: Sandwiches
D: Margarita Friday

B: Bacon, eggs, toast
L: Leftovers
D: Slow cooker scalloped potatoes with ham, corn

B: Banana Bread
L: Grilled Cheese, soup
D: Pioneer woman fancy mac-n-cheese, green beans

Since I'm trying to get some things accomplished today, I don't have one of my own recipes to share. Maybe I'll share my chili recipe later in the week. Let me know if that's something in which you're interested. I know everybody has their own recipe, but I really do like mine.

Now that the menu for the week is done, my week does feel a tad less chaotic. It's a plan!!
Anyway, off to get something done. . .maybe.


  1. Wowza. I am going to aspire to be as organized with our meals as you are. I usually just open the fridge/pantry and stare into the randomness that is before me...

    Thank you for your sweet comment about my wreath. I've often thought of listing things on etsy, but never have. Is it a fairly simple thing to do? (I'm not very tech savvy)

  2. marykathryn - Thanks for stopping by! Listing items on Etsy is a lot easier than you think. I delayed listing items for AGES but finally broke down and did it. There are a LOT of resources out there for starting out on Etsy. That might be a great topic for another time. . . Of course, you ARE blogging!! So, I don't think you'll have any problems with Etsy!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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