Looking for Inspiration, It's Not Under That Cluttered Stack

Today's been one of those lack-of-inspiration days. It could be because I stayed out late at my mom's (helping the nieces make these uber cool Halloween cakes for a contest at school today). It could be because I'm looking forward to hanging out tonight with at least one of my best friends for my birthday. It could be because my craft room is again a disaster.
I decided to go with the last one and tackle the chaos that is the side table.

Just look at the piles and havoc that are reigning one little corner.
 Now it's SO MUCH better.
However, I'm still not feeling a total inspiration groove. So I'm asking, What do you do to find inspiration? Please leave me some suggestions in the comments.

Now for a few Halloween ideas:
OH, and here's the other side of the pendant from the top of the post.

Have a great weekend, I know I'm going to try to do the same!

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see I'm not the only one who lives with chaos-but I have whole rooms of it!


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