I Signed up for a Jewelry Challenge

Just checking in real quick to let you all know I signed up for a jewelry challenge.
One of my favorite jewelry designers, bloggers, sellers, etc.; Lorelei Eurto; has offered up a reader challenge for her blog readers.
Basically, she picked several strands of beads from Michael's and asked her readers to design a necklace with the beads.
Here are the beads she chose (I hope she doesn't mind me borrowing this picture from her site)

I took my weekly trip to Michael's yesterday JUST to get these beads. Unfortunately, I couldn't find all of them. Lorelei announced this morning that it was fine to substitute similar beads. I was relieved and signed up right away. Of course, I do plan on heading to Mobile a little early tomorrow (before I help with the nieces) and hitting up the Michael's there for my missing pieces before substituting the beads.

Let me go ahead and say that there is NO PRIZE for this challenge. But, being involved in a project like this with other beaders is the exciting part. I can't wait to see how different and similar each of the pieces are from mine.

I woke up with ideas churning in my head this morning. I can't wait to get the rest of the beads and get started!!

If you want to participate, head over to Lorelei's blog and leave a comment with you blog address and then get your booty to Michael's!


  1. thanks for passing the word on!
    I just posted the participating bloggers, come on over. i have details about the blog hop for sunday. hope you're still playing!

  2. No problem, and I'm definitely still playing. I'm actually working on my blog post for Sunday right now. . . ;)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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