Mawmaw was able to get around the house some. As well, Pat and I were able to visit mom. She looked so much better than either of us expected. Wonderful!
In addition to all that good news, I was able to get my craft desk cleaned off and actually focus enough to get some work done.

While I know that I haven't put anything in the shop in a while, I assure you that I have been creating. I have a basket of items that just need pictures and descriptions. I even completed a few items this week amid all the other drama (shopping included.) Take a look at these three pieces.
As well, there are still a few works in progress on my desk that I plan on tackling just as soon as I get done here.
Since I've barely made a dent in my blog feed reader, I have no more Halloween links (though the absence of them is a little eerie isn't it, bwahahaha [that's supposed to be my evil laugh.]) ANYWAY. . .Instead, here are just a few other links that I've been saving up. Perhaps I can get back to a regular link posting schedule (whatever that is.) soon :
- Parrot surfing, that's all I'm gonna say. You just have to see it for yourself!
- Back to the Future was probably one of my favorite movies as a pre-teen. I had a SERIOUS crush on Michael J Fox. I love seeing him in this video doing so well, despite his Parkinsons. This is one of the best interviews I've seen of him in a while. Makes me happy.
- Clear clutter with a station for transient items.
- And in the spirit of Halloween, check out this childhood fears photography set. WARNING, these are pretty freaky and disturbing. A few of them actually bother me a little. Please pay head if you do not like scary images. However, that being said, they are still wickedly awesome.
I'll leave you with wishes for a
Happy Halloween
May all your Trick-or-treat bags be filled with chocolate and not toothbrushes!