Button Bonanza and a GIVEAWAY!!

I've gone just a little button crazy.
If you've visited here or my Etsy shop before, you probably know I incorporate a lot of buttons into my work.
I especially look for them when I go thrifting. And boy howdy, did I score big last week. I found this drawered container of them (with the above button cards inside) as well as this PILE of buttons.

I played around with my button stash all weekend into a delirium, and walked in to this pretty pile on my craft desk today.

After all that, I had to go to Etsy today and create my first Treasury, which I named "Buttons on the Brain"

I don't even sew. . .It's an addiction, an obsession, a craze!!
Since I'm cruising on a bit of a button high right now, I thought I'd roll with it and hold my very first GIVEAWAY!!!
Here's what I'm offering:
- an adjustable button pendant necklace (made by me)
- a mixed bag of buttons
- three button cards

So you want to enter? Here's what I need you to do. Go check out the CraftyHope Etsy shop and pick out your favorite item. Then come back HERE and leave me a comment letting me know what that favorite item is. That's it!! I'll be drawing a winner Monday, September 27th so make sure to leave your comment before then! Best of luck to you all!


  1. Lifes a Beach is my all time favorite!,, and the one you are giving away is sweet? Simple but playful. I like!!!

  2. My favorite piece in your shop right now is the Life's a Beach necklace. I love the beads and the name. I can always use buttons since I sew. You have actually inspired me to start thinking that once my neck is better that I may start sewing oversized baby blankets and selling them. I always get compliments when I give them as gifts.

    Love ya!

  3. My favorite thing in your shop is your Desert Waves necklace. It's been in my Etsy favorites for a while now.

    It just so happens that I'm on the lookout for buttons myself right now. I need seven for the cardigan I'm knitting (but I'd like eight so I have an extra if I lose one). I've found some that I like but haven't been able to find enough matching buttons in stock anywhere.

  4. My favorite would be the 'Bright and Beautiful' Bangle.

    Your story reminds me of the button necklaces my grandmother used to wear. She passed away recently and shortly afterwards someone broke into her house and stole her costume jewelry. It is amazing to me (now) how many ineexpensive pieces of jewelry she had that meant so much to me.

    Good Luck with your Etsy shop! You are very talented!


  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Miracles and Magic Necklace, of course I love all of your stuff but I think that one is my favorite right now....

  6. It's almost impossible to pick a favorite. I guess I like the blooming dictionary piece the very best, but I love all your stuff.



  7. Hey! Saw your comment on my blog. I'm looking for 7 (8 is better) ~3/4" buttons to go on a navy blue cardigan with light gray stripes. Most of the buttons I've been looking at are gray or antique silver tones (not a bright shiny silver).

    I'd love it if you could keep an out for any 3/4 in. buttons that would go with navy and gray. Email latinamarie@gmail.com if you find some!

  8. My favorite thing is the "All things bright and beautiful" bracelet! I covet it.

  9. http://www.etsy.com/listing/54300781/button-button-whos-got-the-button I love this! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

  10. There is something good to say about all. But my favorite right now is the crystal and copper necklace.

  11. I also love the copper crystals necklace. You do awesome work! Very talented!

  12. Michelle - Thanks so much for commenting, but you were a little late getting it in. Unfortunately, I had already drawn for the winner when you left the comment. There should be more giveaways in the future, so please come again!!

    The rest of you . . .thanks so much for entering. The winner has been drawn. You should check and see if it's you!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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