I'm a Winner!!

I won a giveaway!!

Michelle Mach hosted the first Stringing Blog carnival in which she asked 24 jewelry designers (including herself) to blog on their inspiration for the jewelry piece(s) they had featured in the 2010 Fall issue of Stringing Magazine.

Blog readers were encouraged to read the blog posts and leave a comment for entry into the contest. You only actually had to leave one comment on one of the 24 posts in order to be entered. But, more ambitious types (like myself) could go through each of the posts and comment (for a total of 24 entries.) Three winners were drawn for three separate prizes, and gosh darnit if I didn't win this awesome prize pack from Rings & Things.
Check out the winning announcement to see what the other winners are taking home. 

I had a great time participating in the blog carnival, because I got a peek at what's in the new issue of Stringing as well as find some more blogs to read by talented jewelry designers. It was a definite win-win situation. And, WIN I did!!

I can't wait to get my hands on the prize pack and play with all the goodies!! Thanks Michelle!


  1. Congratulations, Hope! Let us know how you use your Rings & Things prizes, we'd be delighted to check out your work :)

    at Rings & Things

  2. Thanks Dave!! I got it yesterday and am a little overwhelmed by the beauty of the items. Not sure what direction they'll take yet. Be assured that they won't go to waste though!! :)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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