Craft Urges and the Craft Room Closet (ThTh)

I'm starting to go a little bonkers waiting for my craft room cleaning stint to be over. (Yes, I recognize that's up to me - but there's only so much I can get through at a time.) I'm not allowing myself to 'craft' ANYTHING until I'm done. Why make a mess until I get it all cleaned up first? That makes perfect sense, doesn't it.

In the meantime, I'm still daily reading and looking through craft blogs, going through jewelry and craft books and magazines at the bookstore, and listening to craft podcasts. Do you have any idea how much those tasks get my creative fires burning? It's torture. . .that's what it is. Painful, creative, crafty TORTURE! On a related note, in case you haven't noticed - I added a new list of blogs on my sidebar - these all have to do with BEADING. They are GREAT! But, at the same time, they are some of the main sources of torture for me.

Fortunately, LOML (whose name is Pat - which I will be using from now on) has band practice/recording/something-or-other tonight so I can slip into the Craft Room and knock out some more of the mess. Of course, the living room floor is rapidly DIS-appearing under all the stuff I'm ready to get out of my life. Eh, that's the price I'll pay (for now) for the relief of finally getting back in there and letting the creative juices flow once again.

While there are still some bits and pieces still laying around the actual craft room, it's the closet that will be my major task, as I mentioned yesterday. Wanna see what I'm dealing with? Don't be shocked ...
WARNING: if you can't handle the sight of huge messes, just scroll on past these pictures.

Now you see why I'm so afraid.
Wish me luck!

Before I go back to daydreaming about crafty projects I've got some thing for you, for now . . some "Thrifty Thursday" links:

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