Some "Me Time" Shopping (FGF)

This week has gone by relatively quickly. I'm not complaining AT ALL!! It is, after all, Margarita Friday at long last.  :)

Hubs had a private party jazz gig last night, so I was able to fit in a little "me" time. What did I do?
I started with some thrift store shopping for craft supplies and found a few small items. THEN, I headed out for some 'real' shopping. I went to a clothing store and BOUGHT NEW CLOTHES. Granted, I buy clothes now and again, but this particular store only carries new clothes, doesn't sell blenders or music CDs, and has employees who will swap out clothes for you at the dressing room. I hardly ever go to places like that anymore. It felt so nice to do something like that for myself. Of course, my shopping trip wasn't complete without a trip to the craft store before heading home.

Once home, I pulled out my newly purchased craft supplies and began to play (the new clothes are still in the bag . . .what's that say about me?)
As I mentioned in my previous post, I've been craving some polymer clay time. So, that's what I did. I molded, shaped, kneaded, blended, poked, and played.
While they've yet to be baked and distressed a bit, here's what I was able to create while watching the Olympics last night.
I'm pretty happy with them.

After such a fun Thursday, I'm ready for "Feel Good Friday." Are you?

That's for now guys and gals. Go out and and enjoy your Friday and your weekend. I hope it's full of fun!!

    Island Movies (MMSM)

    We had a bit of a movie weekend . . . An island movie weekend, in fact.

    Saturday night, we watched "Couples Retreat." I'm sure you've seen the previews - Vince Vaughn, Charlotte from Sex and the City, the beach . . .  OH - THE BEACH!! I am now obsessed with going to Bora Bora and staying in one of those over-the-water huts (with fish tanks in the floor) and the beautiful blue water and the bright green palm trees and all the wonder and majesty of it. I must go to Bora Bora!! The movie? The movie was good too, it was definitely funny and entertaining. But I could talk more about the beach if you want . . .

    Sunday, we went to see "Shutter Island" It was a completely different kind of island and movie. LOML and I both read the book some months ago when we first started seeing the previews. We went into the movie expecting to see what all movies do to good books. . .and what gets me riled up sometimes. However, we were pleasantly surprised that it stuck pretty close to the book. Sure, there were a few, very small changes. Ones that didn't really bother either one of us. In all, I think we both enjoyed the movie just about as much as we did the book. That's saying A LOT!! I absolutely recommend this movie (and book) for a suspenseful, mystery-like, good story. There are a few mildly gruesome scenes (be warned if you can't handle that.)

    Overall, we really enjoyed both of these.

    Moving on . . .I didn't really get ANY crafting done this weekend. I did make two cards for a meeting I had on Sunday afternoon, but they were rushed and sloppy. Before the meeting, I was able to hit a thrift store and pick up a few items I may share later in the week. (we'll see) I have been craving some polymer clay bead-making and may work on that at some point during the week, hopefully.

    Other than that?
    Let's pick things up with some long-time coming "Made Me Smile Monday" fun!!

    Just to let you know, some of the links I'll be sharing in the future may be REALLY old stuff I've had saved for a while. Just catching up . . .

    Our Valentine Weekend

    While suitcases, and boxes, and all sorts of chaos surround me, I've decided to simply ignore the mess and tell you about my Valentine weekend.

    LOML and I rented a condo in Orange Beach, AL (big surprise after my Condo Box post.) Even with a snow warning for southern Alabama, we headed down to the beach - we're CRAZY like that. The weekend was quite chilly but beautiful.We shopped for beads (actually, I shopped while he watched and paid), we ate out (after getting stuck in OB Mardi Gras traffic for an hour and a half - REALLY!!), I crafted some jewelry, we watched sunsets, and the Love of My Life made me dinner for Valentine's day. It was a truly wonderful weekend.  

    I hope yours was just as full of love and/or lovely things!!

    Valentine's Day Crafts and More

    Soooo - I've done Valentine's Posts in the past and I would be a little upset if I missed sharing something this year too - however limited.
    I found this tutorial yesterday for Valentine Paper Bag Books and thought it looked like a new and fun-to-make idea. While LOML was at band practice, I snuck in a little crafting time to make his Valentine card using the basic idea from the tutorial. Here are my results:
    The Outside Cover
    The Inner Flap
     The Pull Tabs (card stock on dictionary pages - distressed)
    The Front with the tabs Pulled Out
    I think he'll like the effort I put into it more than anything. Granted, I could have made it a bit more . . .decorative, neater, whatever. But, I just wanted to make sure it was COMPLETED before the actual day.

    I do have a few links to share for this occasion as well:
    I hope this inspires you to make something just lovely for the one(s) you love.
    Happy Valentine's Day!!

    Packing for a Condo Trip (just a suggestion)

    LOML and I have a pending trip to the beach. I can't wait, and it's heavy on my mind. In constantly thinking preparing for it, I feel compelled to share with you what I have found is most handy for us before we head to the beach. In general, we tend to rent condos. In doing so fairly often I've found that there are certain items that are needed pretty consistently. Granted the rental company does provide a few items (TP, towels and washrags, dishcloths, a little soap, etc), and the kitchens are stocked with the basics (plates, pans, silverware, coffee maker, toaster, etc.); there are a few other necessities that are needed if you plan to cook at all. Here's the list of items I've found most useful for these trips:
    • Paper towels
    • Toilet paper
    • Garbage bags
    • Drinking straws
    • Ziplocks
    • Plastic wrap
    • Aluminum foil
    • Coffee
    • Creamer
    • Sugar
    • Coffee filters
    • Chip clips
    • Salt and pepper
    • Garlic Powder (or other spices/seasonings)
    • Sponges
    • Dish Soap
    • Dishwasher Detergent
    • Beer huggers
    • Scotch tape
    • Scissors
    • Non-stick spray
    • Multi-purpose wipes
    • Laundry supplies (those new 3-in-1 sheets are perfect)
    In fact, I have a lidded storage container in which I keep the majority of these items - we call it the "Condo Box" and have also found it useful for our camper. Take a look -

    I've gotten that off my chest and shared some useful information with you!! I hope this helps at some point. I know having this box packed and ready eases my mind when we do decide to take a trip down to the Gulf. And, you have NO IDEA how disappointing it is to try and make breakfast without salt and pepper, or wake up to realize you forgot coffee filters, or discover that are no garbage bags for all those beer bottles . . .  :)
    OH! I can't wait!!!

    Crafty Hope Still Exists

    Just trying to keep up the momentum, I'm posting today.

    Since I haven't posted since Christmas, let me go ahead and mention (in case you don't follow me on twitter or Facebook) what my wonderful husband (LOML) got me. . . A KILN!!
    We've been so very busy that we've only used it once (to test out its fused glass ability.) It worked out pretty well overall. He also ordered me (us) a precious metal clay (PMC) kit and some instructional DVDs. Though, we haven't had a chance to play with any of it yet.

    I've been working on getting the craft room a bit more organized. What else is new? I'm in a constant state of organizing the craft room. I may actually have to break down and start paring down the 'supplies.' That's so hard for me to admit. . . and it's going to be even harder to do. This is especially true since I have a few Hobby Lobby gift cards. Ahhh!!

    Anyway, I'm just rambling - wanted to let y'all know that I'm trying to get back into the swing of crafting AND blogging after the long break.

    LOML has headed off to band practice, and I've promised him that I'll hold off on watching LOST until he gets back. So, I need to make myself busy somewhere else so I'm not tempted to turn it on.

    Maybe I'll leave you a few links next time - for now, here's a quick funny!

    A Pirate Looks Forward

    Let's just forget that New Year's began on January 1st.
    I'm going with February 1st as my 'new beginning' or whatever.

    2009 was fraught with tasks that NEEDED to be done, and To Do lists after To Do lists, and a completely full calendar. This all bled into 2010 and up to the 23rd of the month. That's when our society held our Mardi Gras Ball. It was fabulous and everything we had planned, dreamed, and imagined for the past 7 or so years. My mom (the leader/president/"queen") was breath-taking as leader and her best friend (the emblem/ball chairman) was more graceful than I knew she could be. I (ball co-chair) got to play the part of the 'fun one' and I had a BLAST. There were TONS of compliments going around. If anything went wrong or was taken poorly, I don't know about it. I'd rather not either. It was a success as far as I'm concerned.

    The only pictures I have right now are some of my friends' from Facebook. (Note: I was too busy to take any pictures of my own and am 'stealing' them from my friends' albums.) If you want to see more go to my Facebook page and check out pictures of me there. Here are a few to give you a general ideaLOML and me in my 'cruise pirate pose'

    A view of the stage

    My mama wearing her massive mantle and train (with me off to the side)

    Oh! See the skirt of my costume? It's a FUNNY skirt. It was made from the curtains that were in my sister's room when we were in high school. I knew they would be perfect for the pirate-look, and I wanted something of her's with me for the ball. What's funny about the whole situation is that the seamstress made the hem of it by just leaving the part where the curtain rod slips on. If you've ever see the Carol Burnett skit where she dresses up as Scarlett O'Hara (from Gone with the Wind) and wears the entire curtain (rod and all) down the stairs, you'll understand why we thought my skirt was so funny!!

    Wait! Here's the video for reference-

    Now that it's all done and over, I'm ready to get back on track - cleaning house, blogging, crafting, exercising, healthy eating. Or at least make an attempt at these things. We'll see how it goes now that my excuse (the ball) is gone. Wish me luck!!

    Winding down the 100DayProject

    I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...