You know that phrase 'being spread out too thin'? That's EXACTLY what I'm feeling right now. I made it through the long Mardi Gras society weekend: Sat- a bowling thing and Sun- a summer party at my mom's house (what all the gumbo was made for.) Fri night was spent with two of my best friends.
Tonight, LOML and I are having dinner with friends. Tomorrow, he has plans to meet with a friend. Thurs, I have plans for dinner and painting. Friday, the nieces are spending the night. Saturday, I'm celebrating a friend's birthday. GAH- too thin!!! My house needs some attention (the craft room especially), my husband needs some attention, the CAT needs some attention, and I (ME) need some attention.
I can't seem to get up in the mornings because I spend half the night thinking about all the other things I need to do. But, I really LOVE seeing my friends. I get really down in the dumps when I don't hear from them for a while. I feel ignored, unloved, and forgotten at those times. But, as well, times like these just wear me out.
I know I'm acting like a big baby and there could be worse things than having too many plans. I just want it ALL: a clean house, time to myself, time with friends, time with the hubby, time and energy to do it. I'm just spread too thin!!
I wish I knew how to say no sometimes, and also that I didn't have a tremendous guilt complex when I do say it. My biggest worry is the craft room. I would really like to have it clean when the girls come over on Friday. I wish there was some way I could trust that they could help me clean it. But, I know that won't happen. So, while hubby meets with his friend on Wednesday. I'm going to go into manic warp-speed to try and find the floor and surfaces of the craft room.
Since I missed out on yesterday, lemmie spread some smiles today:
So, that's where I'm leaving it: wishing for some more time to accomplish everything, being totally exhausted, and looking for an answer. Anybody got some suggestions?