This Snuck Up on Ya (FGF)

BOO!!! Scared ya didn't I? I've been lurking just around the corner (out of sight) waiting for the perfect time to sneak up on you. Really!!

For a quick update: the storm has passed and Mawmaw's doctor has declared her to be CANCER FREE!! We've very pleased and excited. I thank all of you for your kind words, thoughts, prayers, good vibes, positive thoughts, and everything else. Whatever ya'll did - it worked!! I sincerely thank you.

Everything else has been crazy and crazy HOT around here. I'm just trying to make it through the days. Grand Assembly is coming up and I'm trying to find dresses, fit into dresses, and get some gifts done. I'm off work today and plan on doing some serious shopping (in the gosh darn heat that is Southern Alabama). Wish me luck!!

For now, here's some "Feel Good Friday"
So that's it for now. Let's see if this will post since I started it yesterday and blogger is trying to argue with me about saving it.
Happy a Happy and Safe 4th of July!!


  1. cute clip!

    so very glad to hear that your gran is cancer free. THat is wonderful news.

    I understand that tug of war thing you were talking about. ITs so weird. Thats a great way of putting it.


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