Quick and Easy MMSM

If you haven't noticed, I already did a lengthy weekend review today. So this post is simply to share some "Made Me Smile Monday" goodness. Enjoy!
  • HeHeHeHe!! Lesser of two weevils (get it?) :)
  • Evolution of a wedding dance. Of course there are quite a few unique wedding dances circulating out there. This is the first time I've seen this one.
  • If you just need a smile on this Monday, you could try these smile stickers The creator also has a flickr page with some great images as well.
  • I've been laughing about this one for a week now. As a thrifty gal - I love it!!
  • The mighty Wal-Mart even makes mistakes. Here a great example of a mistake on walmart's website.

Lastly, as the countdown to Halloween begins, I want to share some holiday links to get you (and me) in the spirit.
Halloween hangover - It's that time of year to start seeing all those crazy jack-lanterns. This trio apparently had a wild night on the stoop

Have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. LMAO....Lesser of two weevils, Wal-Mart website, Jesus Saves. Thanks, I needed that. Love ya!


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