More about Poll Results, Labor Day, and MMSM

My poll is now closed and I haven't received any new results. Again, I've had a hard time interpreting what you want because I got seven answers and only two of them were the same. Those two that are the same (and thus have a higher percentage) want me to discuss more about my day-to-day life. The rest of you are all over the place. Overall, what I think I am going to do is use this blog as a personal one, in a similar way as I have been, and try to include more about me. I will continue to link to the interesting items I find on the web. I will also share some of my crafts (as that is part of my life.) However, I am also going to start trying to use the other blog as well to share some of the cool craft stuff I find. The other blog is Fairy Creative ( if you want to check it out and follow it as well (read: please do!!) I will have the post you are reading up before I have a 'real' post up over there, but please do check it out if you are interested at all.

Okay, MOVING ON!! It's Labor Day, a day I've been looking forward to because it's a paid day off, a three-day weekend, a freebie beach day. However, I'm stuck inside hiding from the wind and rain, from a little storm they are calling Gustav. Fortunately, I'm far enough away that it is just a nuisance and not a disaster. I guess it is giving me time to post, which I probably wouldn't be doing from the beach (I'm trying to see the bright side.) I also need to remember that at least I CAN post, which means I still have power and cable. LOML*, another couple, and I had a great time at the beach. Somehow I drank a little too much on Friday night and felt rough on Saturday morning, but that soon faded. While I did start drinking again around lunch time, I was drinking slowly and never really got drunk. I felt so much better for packing and getting the heck out of there on Sunday. I'm now waiting for a slight pause in the storm to run to the grocery store so we can go to friends' for dinner. As such, I'm kinda all over the place - sorry!!

Since it is Labor Day, it is also "Made Me Smile Monday" I've got some goodies for y'all.
  • Here's one all you can eat special you won't soon forget.
  • QUOTE - "Why do they say new and improved? It can't be new if it was improved can it?" - Unknown
Alrighty, gonna venture into the storm now. Wish me luck!!

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