Nerdy Nostalgia

The other evening, I was feeling quite nostalgic for some of the cheesy shows I watched in my childhood. I especially LOVED The Disney Channel. I think it had something to do with the fact that we didn't have the money for special channels like that when I was younger. I WAITED for Free Disney. Do any of you remember this? Does the cable company still do this? It was some kind of ploy to get people to subscribe to additional channels by offering those stations free for a week or weekend or something. When it was Free Disney time, I would veg out to Disney shows. My favorites were Kids Incorporated and The Mickey Mouse Club. I did finally grow up a little and stop watching these by the time the likes of Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and Justin Timberlake were Club Members. Yet, I did watch Jennifer Love Hewitt on Kids Incorporated (back then, she was just Love Hewitt.) While LOML* worked to meet a deadline, I sat transfixed to YouTube watching stuff like this:
and this
YES YES YES. . . I was a HUGE nerd back then. I guess I'm still a nerd if I was watching these just the other night. Oh well, it was a GREAT little escape back to my childhood.

Seeing that it is the end of the work-week, it must be "Feel Good Friday"Too bad it's a short weekend, try to make the most of it!!

*LOML-Love of My Life


  1. If you have not already you must check out this site:
    It is awesome!

  2. Yeah, I saw it a few months ago. I was going to post something about it, but by the time I got around to it, several other blogs I read had linked to it and I didn't want to be a copy-cat. It's pretty freaking funny. Thanks for recommending it, you know what I like!!

    I was such a big fan! I just found out right now she was born in the same town I was raised. Or maybe I did know that. For such an ass-crack city, there were a lot of pseudo-celebrities milling around.

    Is it just me, or did those kids NOT SUCK in the first video? I thought they sound better than American Idol...

  4. Bella Karma - how small the world is. The first girl (Brandy) in the MMC video is from the same town I'm from too.


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