A Blast of a Ball

I'm just checking in for a moment to say that the Ball was a BLAST!!
It's so hard to condense the fun of Saturday night into one blog post.
To my ball guests - I'm sorry I didn't get to spend a ton of time with you but it was soooooo good to see you. We def need to hang out soon. You made my night.
I was exhausted by the end of it and my feet were killing me. I slept almost all day Sunday. However, the laughter, music, and pure excitement of the evening are still ringing in my ears. Our leader (Queen) looked beautiful and I hope she had as good a time as I did. LOML* looked fantastic (as he always does) in his tails and I was able to keep the feathers on my head all night without much worry. It was a good, a very good, night.
It seems I am rambling now and need really to get some stuff done so I'll go now.
The work was worth it, I had a ball!!

*LOML=Love of My Life

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for inviting us to the ball! We had a great time!! See you again in a few weeks!!! Yea!! :-)


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