
Well, here I am in a hotel all alone and I'm BLOGGING!

I am in Muscle Shoals/ Florence, Alabama for the Grand Christmas Party. It's a Rainbow thing. If you don't know anything about Rainbows, you can follow the link and it will answer some questions, you can also ask me about it too if you want. Basically, it is an organization for 11-20 year old girls that is sponsored by the Masons. It has some great lessons for girls like leadership and responsibility as well as giving to and helping others. I was in Rainbows as a girl and have continued to be an advisor since I aged out. Now, I am State Mother Advisor. This is just a title and I have no authority. While, it is an honor to hold this position, it is also a lot of work. Hence, my lonely hotel room. I could go hang with the girls, but I am a little to old now to be cool for 16 year olds. Plus, I'm tired from my 6 hour drive.

I just wanted to share and apologize for not posting on Thursday or Friday. I've been in a whirlwind getting everything ready to come here. I'm so glad that I can check this off my list and maybe start to focus on Christmas shopping. Of course, I'll be pretty crazy doing that as well since I haven't even started making lists - so NOT like me. Hopefully, I will be able to get back on my blogging and crafting routine soon.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was enjoying the Grand Christmas Party with you, as I would much rather be doing that than studying for Torts. Let me know how it goes!! :-)


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