
Have you ever heard of 'Senioritis'? Well, it can be a sort of plague in high schools across America - at least according to my high school yearbook teacher. I think I have a case of 'Christmasitis' or 'Holidayitis'. I can't seem to focus on anything for very long. However, surprisingly, I am accomplishing quite a bit.

For "Techie Tuesday" today, let's take it slow and try to let that Great Holiday Spirit encompass us. Here are a few online 'toys' that will keep you busy without actually accomplishing anything.

First, why don't you make a beautiful snowflake. Just click the make a snowflake button and start cutting out your snowflake. It can be quite zen-like.

Secondly, decorate your own gingerbread house without all the baking, stickiness, or tediousness of a real one. Just scroll down the page, select the decoration, and place it on your house.

Well, that's enough geeky goodness for you today. Have fun!

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