Fondue or Fon"don't"?

It is "Somthin' Yummy Sunday" again. Instead of a recipe for you today, I wanted to quickly review a restaurant. On Friday, LOMI*, another couple, and I went to The Melting Pot for dinner. None of us had ever been there and were therefore "fondue virgins" as the waiter called us or "noobs" as I called us. We thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

We went with the Big Night Out special which included a cheese fondue appetizer with bread, apples, and raw veggies; a salad; a selection of entree meats and veggies; and chocolate fondue with a selection of yummies to dip. We were able to select the type of cheese for the appetizer, the type of salad we each wanted, the selection of meats and cooking style for the entree, and the type of chocolate for dessert. It was a little pricey and a long process overall but well worth it. The company was great, our server was friendly (he popped our fondue cherries gently), and best of all- the food was YUMMY!

We are all ready to try making our own fondue at home now, I may even break out that fondue set I received as a wedding present and always swore to use.

*LOML=Love of my Life

1 comment:

  1. It WAS AWESOME and worth it!!! Thanks again for sharing my birthday celebration.


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