Halloween Earrings

You Likey the Linky?
Here are some neat links I found for today:
- What celebrity do you REALLY look like? MyHeritage can tell you.
- You know nothing cleans like MomSpit.
- Did they not notice these unfortunate logos before?
Enjoy! Hopefully, I will have more interesting links for you on another Wild, Wild Web Wednesday!

Happy Halloween

I hope everyone has a lovely, scary, spooky, fun, and/or festive Halloween!! Remember that treats are better than tricks!!

A Little Geek for the Soul
Since I just started a blog that I hope everyone is interested in and wants to read as often as possible, I thought I would introduce you to Bloglines.
In the simplest terms, it collects all the blogs you read in one place so you don't have to go skipping all over the internet to read those blogs that interest you. You can even install a button into your toolbar that makes it easier to add a blog to your bloglines list of feeds.
Here's what Bloglines says about itself (from their About page):
Bloglines is a FREE online service for searching, subscribing, creating and sharing news feeds, blogs and rich web content. With Bloglines, there is no software to download or install -- simply register as a new user and you can instantly begin accessing your account any time, from any computer or mobile device. And it's FREE!
Bloglines is a window to a whole new world of dynamic content that is being created and distributed over the new "live" web. You can make your own personalized news page tailored to your unique interests from our index of tens of millions of live internet content feeds, including articles, blogs, images and audio. And it's FREE!
Bloglines shields you from the confusion of news feed standards -- RSS, Atom, and others. Bloglines allows you to search for, read and share any updates from your favorite news feed or blog regardless of its authoring technology. And it's FREE!
Last, but not least, Bloglines provides you with the tools you need to begin creating your own clip blogs and blogrolls. Become a publisher, share your thoughts and opinions! And it's FREE! Get started today!.
I admit that I have probably not used Bloglines to its fullest capacity. However, simply having all the blogs I want to read in one place is a beautiful thing. In fact, I have two different accounts; one for work and one for pleasure (craft, frugal, and friends' blogs). At some point, I will put up a blog-roll on this site that will list many of the pleasure blogs I read. However, right now, Bloglines keeps track of all of that for me, and it is invalauble.
Try it out.
I will try to post again tonight, but I really need to get LOML's* clothes ready for his interview and clean my house some. So, we'll see!
*LOML= Love of My Life
Quick and Easy Halloween Bracelet

Next, I stamped the shrink plastic with the permanent ink and allowed it to dry. Then, I carefully colored the images with the markers.

Smile Because You Can
Today, I smiled because:
- I spied a sneaky morning glory (flower) who was found nested at the edge of the lawn instead of in the flowerbed
- I heard a New Kids on the Block song that took me back to middle school
- By 10am, I had 15 hits on this very new blog
- I read this question: "Would you die if you got scared half to death twice?"
- I almost missed my chair at lunch but landed on the edge, instead of the floor
- These pictures:
- I got to eat sushi (with wasabi - mmm) for dinner
- LOML* asked if it's cruel to have an aquarium in a sushi restaurant
- I watched this video:
[Please excuse me if you can't see the pictures or watch the video - I AM still learning. And I think I'm doing pretty good teaching myself this stuff.]
I hope these instances made you smile or laugh as well. Please try to take in the moments that make you smile because these are the ones you'll cherish.
Leave me a comment and let me know how I'm doing. I'd love to know who those 15 hits came from.

Crafts to Come, I Hope
Um, well, I do plan on sharing some crafty ideas and pictures soon. In fact, I did make myself some Halloween earrings & a bracelet last week and hope to work on a pair of similar bracelets for my nieces tonight. These bracelets are a 'quick & easy' project so maybe I can get them done AND get pictures of them up here. We'll have to wait and see how that goes. LOML* may need to assist me with the more technical aspects of getting pictures posted. Wish me luck.
*LOML = Love of My Life

Sunday's Special
I will only be offering up recipes that I've actually tried and can verify are . . . well, 'yummy'.
LOML and I had this recipe last week and really enjoyed it. We're not big celery eaters, but this didn't bother us. We thought that water chestnuts and baby corn would be excellent added to this (however, we have not tried it this way yet.) I'm also not much for dried fruit, so I didn't add the dried apricots. Yet, if that's your thing - go for it!! Without further ado, check out KraftFoods' One Pot Curry & Rice.
Let me know if you enjoy it as much as we did.

Don't Make Me Cry, Some Good News
However, I know I'm not pregnant yet and not PMSing, so we were trying to figure out what was wrong with me. All we can come up with is - I'm happy. WOW, what news! No, no I'm just really excited about the good luck that may be possibly befalling us. LOML is supposed to fly up to D.C. next week to do a face-to-face with a company that probably wants to hire him. He's done all the technical screens and they say they want him, they just need to see that he exists (pretty much). The great thing about this possibility is that it will mean quite a financial increase for us.
Therefore, we (I) think that the crying is the result of great happiness and the fact that I realize that our lives are about to change in many ways (for the better hopefully). However, this does mean leaving the company that has been so very good to us. So, it is sad in other ways as well.
Really, nothing has happened yet. It is just the anticipation of it all. I felt like sharing and getting some of this off my chest, maybe my eyes will stop watering up now.
*Love of My Life = LOML

Not Just Another Craft Blog
I have named this blog "Crafty Hope" up until I can actually come up with a better name (like I said, I'm not really ready). However, while I do expect to spend some time here talking about crafting, I plan on also posting about much more: thrift finds, interesting links, inspiring pictures and quotes, frugal goodness, yummy recipes, and basic day-to-day life. This list may change at any time, because I can be crazy like that if I want to . . . it's my blog dangit!! There are also so many subjects under each of these topics that I could go off on a tangent at anytime - BEWARE!!
Come in and enjoy. Your suggestions and comments are so very welcome.
I have so much to say that I am afraid I will run off on a tangent now. Yet, I'll digress and save that for another time. Cheers!

Winding down the 100DayProject
I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...
Learning to make jewelry is as simple as knowing a few of the tools and how to perform several techniques. From there, a whole world of des...
I have a confession to make - I love buttons! Okay, that's pretty well known. I've been collecting them for years and years and hav...